Salem Witches

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Type: Emitter and Mutant
Tier: B+ (If used properly)
Description: this quirk is orignated in salem, the quirk allows the user to infect grain and crops with the fungus know as Rye ergot, to infect the grainor crop the user must speak a magical incantation, they can also sign the incantation or write it out in the air. 

Incantation: Spring and sprung, Crop of earth, green and true, embue with magic, may it spread, RYE ERGOT!!!

What happens next: After you speak, sign or write the incantation, you open your mouth up and Rye erogt spores fly out of your mouth infecting the plants and fields, but the Rye ergot you make aren't execulaty permant, they only exist for 30 minutes after that they turn into saliva. This is because within your body it transmutes your saliva into the spores, while this transmutation only last for a period of time. 

How does the Rye ergot affect people
Early signs of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, numbness, itching, and a fast or slow heartbeat. Other early symptoms include muscular discomfort and weakness. Gangrene, visual issues, disorientation, spasms, convulsions, unconsciousness, hallucinations, and even death can result from ergot intoxication.

How can Rye ergot be used
1. Infection crops and someone eating it
Description: When the user releases the sport they can infect the crops and if someone eats the crop they will become poisoned from it. 

2. Infecting crops and setting the infected crops on fire
Description: If you affect crops or plants and they catch on fire the rye ergot will become air born and get into peoples lungs via the smoke thus posioning them

3. The spores getting into peoples throats causing the Rye ergot to grow in their lungs or stomach causing them to be poisoned
Description: If the spores get into peoples throats they become poisoned from it

Mutant Factor

Green skin
Description: the user has green skin which may very in shade depending on the user
Use: The skin being green makes it able to preform photosythesis aswell as being able to absorb water from your skin, and being able to absorb air from water whilist being underwater making you able to breathe underwater for 2 times longer than the average person.

Eyes of Purple
Description: the eyes of the quirk user are alway dark purple, and these eye glow in the dark.
Uses: Nightvision, increased eyesight.

Antidote for the fungus
Description: for some reason the user of this quirk can always rememeber a remmdey for a cure/antidote towards the effects of the fungus.
1. 2 g of your hair
2. 4 tears 
3. 50 g of jewelweeds lawsone(its a part in the leaves)
4. 10 g of Impatiens stems
5. 12 g of capensis leaves

Immune to Rye ergot 
Description: your immune to Rye ergot 

1. Since saying the incantation transmutes your saliva into spore your throat becomes very dry after speaking the incantation, you can do a max of 3 incantations per day.
2. The Rye ergot transmutes back to saliva after 30 minutes
3. The only way to cure the Rye egrot is to make the antidote potion

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