Glyphs of the Arcane

63 4 1

Type: Emitter & Mutant
Tier: SSS+ to B- depending on how you use it

Pen ink that's your tears that are like a sparkly ink like substance that when drawn into glyphs it can cast spell like attacks

Your tears are a ink like substance which do not damage your eyes nor stain your skin, but these tears can be collected and stored in calligraphy pens which the user can use these pens to draw Glyphs and runes.

How do you learn about glyphs:
you will have dreams where there are  people/versions of yourself but all different colours and different styles as well as different personalities. These being will teach you a new glyph for every 40 dreams you have. 

Types of Glyphs
Glyphs and runes can be organised into 8 classes these being Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutation, Abjuration, Necromancy, Divination, Enchantment and Illusion.  

what each class, is capable of  doing:

If you want to cause immediate damage to your enemies, the major class of magic to use is evocation. Don't get me wrong; there are damage-dealing spells in the other categories, but the large, powerful spells that evocation is known for are its major draw. In order to release forth fire or zap someone with lightning, the caster is supposed to alter the world's magical fabric.

Basically: you can blast people with magical energy and elemental stuff

Example: A glyph that shoots a fireball

characterised primarily by its capacity for the summoning and creation of beings and things, as well as its capacity for providing magical transportation, such as teleportation effects.

Example: A glyph to summon a sword

spells that altered an object, a state, or a creature's physical characteristics were prevalent.

Example: A glyph/rune to turn you into a bird

Magic included spells for defence. They hindered trespassers, nullified magical or physical powers, built physical or magical walls, or even banished the target of the spell to another plane of reality.

Example: Healing Glyph 

Basically raising and communicating to the dead

Example: A glyph that allows you to speak to the dead

seeing the future

Example: A glyph that allows you to see the future
An enchantment directly affects the target's mind, causing them to perceive reality differently.

Example: A glyph that allows you to charm someone

Making illusions

Example: A glyph that allows you to make a clone/hologram 

Leveling up

Level 1: Newbie
your glyphs are a bit weak and you struggle to cast them it requires a lot of focus

Level 2: Caster
Your glyphs are pretty average in power and you somewhat need to concentrate to cast a glyph

Level 3: Supreme 
your glyphs are very powerful and you don't need much focus to cast spells

Leveling Up How?

To get to level 2
1. you need to cast 30,000 glyphs or runes
2. you need to read some books

To get to level 3
1. you need to cast 30,000,000 glyphs or runes

People with this quirk can have many different mutantations from one eye to five eyes. It can range from having multiply arms to naturally having unique hair colours. Usually each user has three mutations that are visible.

List of Possible mutations (you can only pick three, feel free to come up with your own)

1. Having Multiple or one eyes
Description: you can having multiple or one eyes
Uses: this mutation can allow you to have better vision 

2. Having unique hair colours
Description: you could have a cool colour as your natural hair like green, pink , blue and many more even rainbow. 
Uses: more aesthetic than purpose but still pretty cool

3. Snake like tongue  
Description: you have a snake like tongue 
Uses: Talking to snakes

4. Horns or antlers
Uses: you can use them like a weapon

5. Elf ears
Uses: Better hearing

6. Animal ears
Uses: Better hearing

7. Glowing eyes
Uses: eyes that can be night lights

8. Unique coloured eyes
Uses: Aesthetic 

9. Multiple arms
Uses: multitasking

10. Mermaid Tail
Uses: enhanced swimming and water breathing

11. Animal head or body parts
Uses: depends

12.  Tail or Tails
Uses: idk battle

13. different coloured skin like Green, pink or blue
Uses: Aesthetic 

14. having Scales
Uses: Defence 

15. Furr
Uses: idk

16. Wings
Uses: Flight

17. Multiply heads
Uses: idk

(Feel free to come up with your own mutations)


1. each glyph needs at least 100 ml of your tear ink

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