Chapter 1: Overture

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The Coronatus Family meaning the "The Crowned Family". They're a noble family hailing from Atlas, they're known for producing exceptional soldiers capable of extraordinary feats. Their noticeable features are bright golden eyes and a birthmark in the shape of a crown. 

The current head of the family, Rex Coronatus, close friends and rivals with General Ironwood they both competed over the position of "General" long ago, but after the untimely death of Rex's father, he was left with the burden of becoming the new head of the Coronatus and leading them into the future. He later then settled down with a female soldier he met on the battlefield where they grew closer and more intimate. Her name was Evelynn "The Siren" Marguerite, the Marguerite Family possesses a powerful hereditary semblance that allowed the marriage between Rex and Evelynn, which would later be inherited by their firstborn son, Ezekiel. However due to mysterious circumstances, the secondborn child, Diego did not inherit his mother's semblance.

Throughout his seventeen years of life, Diego endured and has grown as both a promising future huntsman and a person, it feels like everything he worked for in his life was for this decisive moment, the moment where he would find out if he was either accepted or rejected by both the academies he applied to. He was so nervous he didn't even realize he was pacing around his room, in an exaggerated motion he slumps down onto his bed letting out an exasperated sigh

Diego: Well if the huntsman training didn't kill me, all this waiting surely will...

He snaps back to reality by a gentle knock on his door. He answers with an equally gentle voice: "Come in, the door is open."

His door swings open as the head maid of the household enters his room and with an excited tone says:

Head maid: Good news, young master! Your letters of acceptance have arrived!

Diego jumps out of his bed in a single clean fluid motion and nearly bumps into the head maid with his hands out expecting the envelopes.

Diego: Seriously!? That's great! Where are they..?

The head maid looks down

Head maid: Well actually... Your father is waiting for you with the envelopes in his office. 

Diego feels his heart sink, while it's true that his father knows he applied for Atlas Academy he kept the fact he applied to Beacon Academy as well, a secret from him. 

Diego: That's alright... He was bound to find out either way. 

He follows the head maid out of his room and through the mansion to his father's office. She knocks gently on the door and as soon as she gets the all-clear she lets Diego enter first. He hesitantly enters and he is met with the sight of his father sitting behind his desk with two opened envelopes right in front of him, Diego couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that his own parents wouldn't wait for him to open the envelopes. His mother was sitting on one of the lounge chairs that decorate the right side of the office while sipping a tea, Diego instantly recognized it as Earl Grey, his mother's favorite blend.

Rex: Come on in, son. I hope you don't mind but your mother and I took the liberty of going ahead and opening the letters before you got here. We just "couldn't wait" as they say. 

Before Diego could say anything his father continued.

Rex: But before any of that let me just say how proud we are of you being accepted into both of the schools you applied to. 

Suddenly Diego's annoyance was replaced with a pleasant surprise.

Diego: Seriously!? I got in!? That's amazing!

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