Chapter 7: Encroaching Memories

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After having busted their asses off on successfully hunting not one but three dangerous grimm: the Nevermore, the Deathstalker and the Beringel. Diego and his new found classmates and possibly teammates, scale the large cliffside handing over the relics over at Professor Glynda. Professor Ozpin wished to exchange words with Diego but Glynda pressed him to wait until after the Team Designation ceremony, he gave Diego a nod that bothered him, not because it was awkward or anything but because the smile pierced his brain... he didn't know where nor why but he recognized Professor Ozpin maybe not Professor Ozpin but the smile... 

"What am I even thinking..?" Diego thought to himself. His head ached, too much, as if something or someone was trying to dissect his brain while he was conscious. Then he was severed from his thoughts by his surroundings: Diego found himself in the cafeteria with the people he's fought with: RWBY, JNPR along with Tanner and Vasillis who were chowing down on a whole bunch of food.

"You know what I say! After a good effort, eating is always the best thing to do!!!" Tanner shouts at the top of his lungs which seems to have bothered the other students who were patiently waiting in the cafeteria too, Diego gets a good look at them, most of them were injured: bruised, scarred and in some cases heavy injuries such as burns and broken limbs. He realized that either they were lucky or some students have never been face to face with actual grimm. 

Up on the cafeteria near the center were a few monitors displaying other students fighting for their lives, neither were as skilled as the people he's fought with. Diego had competition, the strongest at their table was arguably Vasillis... It was considered impossible for humans to ever tank a Beringel smash much less control its own arms. Tanner had a semblance that basically made him untouchable, luckily he's an idiot but if he were an assassin, he'd be damn good at his job. N was definitely the most mysterious of them all. Silent. Dead Silent, he just quietly read his book sometimes he'd even disappear from everybody's conscious if they didn't pay attention but alas he was Diego's partner for the next few years. He glanced over at Weiss who was sitting on the far edge of the table, the furthest from him. She was still holding his handkerchief. He felt his cheeks blush, she just sat there with her arms crossed and her eyes closed waiting the time to pass by. Diego decided to man up and talk to her but as soon as he got up, Ozpin and Glynda walked into the room and gathered all of the students and ordered them to follow them back into the ballroom, of course Tanner brought his hamburger with him. Ozpin gave a small speech and started naming the teams until finally his name was called up.

"Diego Artoria Coronatus, N Izunia, Vasillis Cornigarae and Tanner Kuririn... You have retrieved the "Crown Pieces", from now on, you'll work as Team DVNT (Pronounced as the word "Deviant") led by... Diego Coronatus!" Ozpin announces. Diego feels Tanner wrap his arm around him.

"Hey! Congratulations man! I knew you were gonna be the jefe when you gave those orders against big ol' gorilla back there." Tanner playfully says. Vasillis and N both congratulate him but to be honest Diego hadn't expected becoming the leader. He felt as though someone were staring daggers at him, he turned his head to see Weiss biting her thumb out of anger that she hadn't become team leader but Diego has.

"Mr. Coronatus, a word, if you would?" Ozpin calls out to Diego. Diego looks around and realizes that he was the last team to be called out on. He signals his new team to wait for him while he talks with Professor Ozpin, getting called personally by the headmaster the first day was never good news Diego thought to himself. "So, how do you feel?"

Diego took some time to wonder, was that really what he wanted to ask? He thought it was a trick question but he just responded truthfully. "I won't lie, I'm a little overwhelmed..." Diego's voice broke slightly, being near Ozpin made his head ache like never before.

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