Chapter 4: Rough Start

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"YOU" Even though Weiss inaudibly mouthed the word Diego felt it echoing throughout the entire room, almost as if by survival instinct the gathered students started to make a passage as Weiss strutted towards Diego, with a rather eager looking Yang (and a now rather timid-looking Ruby hiding behind her older sister) in pursuit, yet maintaining a respectable distance so that Weiss's frustration doesn't change target halfway through. 

"How considerate..." Diego sarcastically thought to himself, but alas it would seem that being a smart-ass would have to wait as Weiss had already closed the distance between them and has amassed quite the crowd, some even with their scrolls out possibly filming the whole ordeal, 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Weiss practically shouted the question,

 "Hang on Weiss, say that louder, I don't think the people in the back heard you." Diego replied calmly as he gestured at their ever growing audience.

"What are you doing here?" Weiss asked again but this time with a much calmer tone that still managed to convey her frustration and annoyance. 

Diego knew Weiss had good reason to be upset with him, and to be fair, it's a pretty good one... After all, the last time they actually interacted Diego may have been leaning a bit more towards the unpleasant side of who he used to be and he never actually properly apologised... The opportunity just never presented itself. However Diego couldn't help but feel like he actually wasn't the source of Weiss's anger. Now that she was actually in front of him he noticed the scar on her face, a scar she must have gotten recently.

 "Weiss, what happened?" Diego asked concerned, he raised his hand towards Weiss's face. Weiss was taken aback but quickly recomposed herself and slapped Diego's hand away.

"Don't you change the subject Diego. Now Listen to me very closely I don't know what kind of deal my Father must have struck with yours, but I don't need some watchdog hounding my every move while I'm at Beacon, understood?" Weiss replied coldly. Diego had hoped to resolve this in both a calm and peaceful manner and maybe even bury the hatchet once and for all but Weiss was not making it easy...

"Okay Weiss, Let's get two goddamn things clear, firstly: if I am here right now, at Beacon it's because I chose to be here, believe it or not I was just as shocked as you were when I found out you were here. Secondly: Contrary to your belief the world does not revolve around you Ice Princess and if your reason for being here is anywhere near the same as mine, Then the goal would be to draw the least amount of attention onto ourselves." Diego strained as he made a herculean effort to not start shouting at Weiss.

"Oh? And I'm just supposed to believe that the General would let one of his "Pet Projects" wander to Beacon for no reason?" Weiss snapped back in a mocking way.

"Watch it, Weiss. I'm no one's project." Diego replies in a cold tone refusing to let Weiss continue to walk all over him.

"Just don't get in my way Diego, I have big plans here in Beacon and they start with me becoming the leader of my team." With that the heiress storms off leaving a dumbfounded Diego behind, soon enough the crowd they had attracted starts losing interest and begins dispersing throughout the auditorium, Diego feels a hand on his shoulder: it's Jaune who up until now had remained silent.

"Sheesh, that was tough man and I thought I had a rough start." Yet Diego doesn't respond and seems lost in a trance, he is brought back to reality when an unknown voice speaks up:

"Drifting apart. We were once so close and now so far, once together, now miles apart; I should have known the friendship would grow cold."

Diego snaps his head towards the smooth voice and finds a hooded boy, his snowlike hair peaking through his hood, Diego can just about make some sort of marking or a scar on his face, underneath his medium-length dark cloak he wears a grey turtleneck, black jeans and brown boots. The boy slams his book (which seems to have a gold motif around the edges) shut and returns Diego's gaze with his piercing cerulean blue eyes.

"So it is written." The unknown boy chuckles. "Apologies, I didn't mean to interfere I simply thought what a shame it was to see a withering friendship." He stated, honestly if it wasn't for Jaune's arm on his shoulder Diego would've probably lunged at the so-called "Poet ".

"What the hell do you know..?" Diego growled. 

"Oh I wouldn't dare pretend I know anything about you, Diego Coronatus, but if you cherish the friendship you had with the girl I wouldn't tardy anymore than necessary, perhaps a poem would help?" he said.

Diego remained silent. The boy smirked and took his leave, waving as he left both Jaune and Diego behind. Before either of them could take a second to process the encounter they just had, it would seem that Yang who had enough of being in the sidelines spoke up.

"So you're Diego, quite the Casanova, ain'tcha?" The blond grinned, she grabs Ruby who was behind her and nudged her up front. "Ruby sure was excited to tell me about the new friends she just made: You and..." she stares at Jaune "Dyed Blondie over here... Vomit Boy was it?" 

"It's actually Jaune and I'm a natural blonde you know." He butted in before he was interrupted by Yang.

"It's great to see that Ruby has made some interesting friends, life is too boring if everyone follows the rules and is nice to each other." She beamed, "I'm Yang by the way, but you probably already knew that" she said winking as she extended her hand to Diego.

"Glad my misfortune amuses you" Diego chuckled taking her hand and shaking it, Yang's seemingly unending positive attitude started rubbing off on him. All four of them exchange a few pleasantries until the stage lit up to reveal Headmaster Ozpin and at his side Professor Goodwitch. He gave a speech which Diego honestly didn't really pay any attention to, the only things he retained were something about the initiation test and going to a ballroom to sleep and spend the night, which greatly interested him, after the day he had of travelling and weird encounters the only thing he really wanted to do was just fall asleep. Although, there were other things that caught his attention, he can't help but feel that Ozpin made eye contact multiple times with him throughout the speech but when spoken to his new friends they just chalked it up the it's the "Atlas talking". Once in the Ballroom, him and Jaune parted ways with Ruby and Yang and went to the Boy's side of the Ballroom. They both got ready for bed, had a good chuckle at Yang forcing Ruby to make friends with some of the female students and eventually tried falling asleep... for like 30 minutes after the doors were blasted wide open by some kind of purple energy revealing a very exasperated looking Goodwitch followed by two boys that Diego recognised as Tanner and Vasillis who he had "met" earlier in the day, She scolds both of them one last time and leaves. Vasillis grabs Tanner in a headlock and gives him a noogie. Tanner breaks out of it and raises his arms as if he's about box against him, Vasillis reciprocates his actions which causes Tanner to flee while yelling like a coyote. Glynda who was still in the room had never been seen so tired and exasperated that she just gave up and used her semblance to... say the least, tuck them in bed. Diego is finally allowed to drift off to sleep with the thought in his head: Why are there so many weirdos in this school.

//AN//: Hello everyone, sorry for not being able to upload but we lost access to our account and well we were still connected with our previous email which we deleted... So we had to contact Wattpad directly and it seems to have worked out in the end which is pretty nice although we lost a few months worth of chapters but I hope you all are excited to come back just as much as we are. You can expect for real this time! A chapter tomorrow so please do come back for that and I may upload a new set of character sheet after that chapter! Thanks for sticking it out with us and I'll see you all again tomorrow.

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