Chapter 2: Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met

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After a long flight, the air transport carrying Diego finally lands at the International Vale Airport. Once Diego collects his baggage and he picks up his weapon from customs. He begins to aimlessly wander around the airport, lost. Eventually, he decides to stop a nearby Vale FA and asks for guidance for his next flight. The FA takes a look at his ticket and explains to him that he is in the wrong airport, she tells him the air transport that leaves for Beacon Academy is found on a local private runway not too far from the International Airport. The airport was already like a huge maze for Diego without anybody to guide him like he was used to but now he was supposed to make his way out of the airport and make his way to some private runway? Just as all hope seemed lost, he began regretting not taking his father's offer for a private jet that would drop him off directly at Beacon.

???: Hey, you a Beacon Student?

Diego turns around and is met with a young blonde man wearing a black hoodie with an ivory chestpiece over it, blue jeans, and a pair of black & white sneakers.

Diego: Yeah, how did you know?

The young man smiles and responds

???: Probably has to do with that weapon case your carrying with the tape that says "BEACON CLEARED". Anyways, I couldn't help but notice that you looked kind of lost. Do you want to walk with me to the runway?

Diego: Yeah, that'd be great.

Diego begins to follow the young man. Soon after, he would introduce himself as Jaune Arc. After a short 10min walk of Jaune expertly navigating around the Airport, they arrive at the runway. Jaune turns to face Diego with a prideful look.

Jaune: Ta-daa! See, I told you we'd make it just in time. Never underestimate locals!

Diego: Local? Didn't you also take a flight to Vale?

Jaune: Oh that? That's just because I was visiting my sister who lives in Argus for the holidays.

As Jaune and Diego make their way to the air transport carrier, Diego immediately recognizes it as a "Bullhead", a ship that's used for cargo transport or in some cases troops. Ironic, Diego thought to himself. Diego turns to face Jaune and sees that he is slightly worried.

Diego: Nervous?

He asks Jaune

Jaune: O-Oh yeah, I guess... I just don't do too well with these types of ships. It kind of reminds me of being on a boat and let's just say I get pretty motion-sick... 

Jaune is cut off as the pilot clears his throat and begins a small speech

Pilot: Greetings, I will be your pilot for today, my name is Captain Bobby. I like to give speeches to the new Beacon applicants right before we take off. Although, my speeches aren't as famous as Headmaster Ozpin's.

He gives a hearty chuckle before continuing

Pilot: Anyways, jokes aside, while I am happy to see that there are a lot of you, please do note that I called you applicants and not students, that's because, in order to become full-fledged Beacon students, you will all have to pass a very difficult initiation test. Some people say the failure rate is over 50%! Haha, so get used to recognizing my face because I may be giving some of you a ride back home.

Captain Bobby lets out a bellowing laugh while the other applicants can only let out nervous chuckles however one, in particular, seems to be stressing out a lot, it was none other than Jaune.

Jaune: I-Initiation? W-What!? Nobody said anything about initiations..!

He says as he begins to sweat profusely. Diego gives him a reassuring nudge.

Diego: Hey man, relax, he's obviously just messing with us. I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of initiation but come on, that over 50% failure rate? I never heard anything like that not even in Atlas it's that high..! It's only like what? A measly 30%? 

Jaune makes a complicated expression that makes Diego unable to tell if he managed to reassure him or made him worry even more. Diego continues

Diego: Anyways what I'm trying to say is we made it through combat school and we're standing here right now. So puff your chest out a bit more, have some confidence in the skills that brought us this far. 

Jaune: Y-Yeah... Combat school... 

Jaune looks down and Diego can't help but feel like he brought up some painful memories

Diego: You know, there was a time when I had it pretty rough at combat school but you realize that those hard moments help people grow. So just keep moving forward. After all, no one knows us here.

Jaune smiles slightly more reassured

Jaune: Thanks, I... I needed that. You know, I think you'd make one hell of a leader.

Diego: Pffffttt! Me..? Nah, I don't think so. It's too much work and responsibility. Besides, I prefer taking things at my own pace.

Their attention is then brought back to Captain Bobby who has been finishing up his speech

Pilot: Now I ask everyone to please leave their baggage with our lovely crew and for those of you carrying weapons, I ask you to please leave your weapons with this inspector so that they may be properly stored on to the ship. I know some of you were excited to show them off but we wouldn't want the ship blowing up mid-flight, do we?

A disappointed "aww" can be heard from a red-cloaked girl while the rest just chuckle

Pilot: You all laugh but I once had to perform an emergency landing because some dumb-dumb thought it was a good idea to store unstable dust with their other belongings and BLEW A GODDAMN HOLE IN THE CARRIER HAUL! Ahem, take off in four minutes, you may all board the Bullhead and I wish you a pleasant flight.

Redcloak: But Yang! I feel so naked without Crescent Rose...

Yang: You heard the pilot, sis. Do you really want to be the dumb-dumb?

The red-cloaked girl pouts and mumbles a meak "no...". Diego drops off his baggage with the crew and reluctantly leaves his weapon case with the inspector. He then proceeds to board the Bullhead where he meets up with Jaune where he was standing a little too close to the toilets.

Diego: Careful Jaune, somebody might get the wrong idea and think you're some sort of creep. Just relax a little it's gonna be a short flight.

Jaune: What!? Me? I'm totally relaxed, nothing but smooth sailing from here on out, my newfound friend.

He gives Diego a thumbs up. Diego chuckles

Diego: You know, I'd believe you if it weren't for your legs trembling so damn much. Anyhow, as great as it would be to spend the entire flight right next to the toilets, I think I'm gonna go over to the windows and take in the view.

Jaune: Sounds like a plan..! I'm just... Just give me a few minutes and I'll make my way to the bar and get a drink, you want anything?

Diego: I'm good.

The flight passes by pretty uneventfully aside from a broadcasted message from a certain Glynda Goodwitch and everyone laughing at Jaune's motion sickness. But finally, they land at Beacon!

AN: Hey guys, here is chapter 2, enjoy!

RWBY: DVNT 2.0Where stories live. Discover now