Chapter 3: Future Leaders

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Once the Bullhead landed on Beacon Academy's dock, Captain Bob's voice rang through the interphone. 

Pilot: Ladies & Gentleman, we have now arrived at the beginning of your new lives as students of Beacon Academy... or not! BWAHAHAHAHA

Cpt Bob's bellowing laugh echoed throughout the plane. He clears his throat and continues

Pilot: Everyone please collect your belongings outside the Bullhead and I wish you a very pleasant day.

Just before Diego can make his way outside, Jaune pushes past him, gagging, while trying to hold back from vomiting. Worried, Diego decides to follow him to make sure he's alright while throwing mean glances at the people mocking Jaune. Once outside, he spots Jaune by a nearby trashcan emptying the contents of his stomach onto it or at least the little that remained, it was a long flight after all Diego thought to himself

Diego: If you're this sick right now, I can only imagine what state you were in your flight from Argus to Vale.

Jaune: Oh you'd be surprised, I'm actually okay on Airliners, you know, sitting down... buckled in... I normally just put on a sleeping mask and I'm good to go. 

Diego stares at Jaune dumbfounded 

Diego: Then why didn't you just sit down!?

Jaune: I-I'm not explaining it right... It's just- okay! For me, a bullhead is sort of like a boat, I'm more affected by the rocking of it and I just end up getting very motion sick, it's a very common problem for your information!

Diego: Well if it's any consolation at least you don't have to be worried about first impressions anymore... Come on, let's go pick up our stuff.

Diego turns back in the direction of the bullhead. It seemed like he and Jaune were the last ones to pick up their luggage, they only picked up their weapons as the luggage handlers explain to them that their suitcases were being delivered to the Beacon Ballroom where it would await them after the headmaster's speech. They were now free to explore Beacon.

Jaune: So! What do you-

Suddenly a huge explosion goes off in the distance 

Diego: Well that's as good a starting point as any.

Diego and Jaune make their way towards the scene of the explosion where they were met with the familiar sight of a red-cloaked girl flat on the ground begging for forgiveness from a very haughty and very angry heiress that Diego knew all too well before Jaune can get any closer, Diego holds him back mostly out of not wanting to deal with a very angry Weiss for their first reunion in a while. Shortly after a raven-haired girl wearing a bowtie seemingly intervened and appeased Weiss as she left in a huff, ignoring the red-cloaked girl while the black-haired girl made her exit. Eventually, even Diego started to pity the red-cloaked girl who was still on the ground and the awkward situation she was in. That was until Jaune hurried over and extended his hand to her. As Diego approached the two, he started to make out their conversation. He discovered through their interactions that the girl's name was Ruby.

Ruby: Sorry... I guess it's just one of those days where everybody's out to get you, you know?

Jaune: Oh, I know-

Before Jaune can finish his sentence, Diego interjects into the conversation

Diego: Yeah, kinda when you suffer from motion sickness and a certain someone calls you "Vomit Boy".

Ruby looks away feeling guilty

Ruby: Oh y-you heard that...

Diego's scowl is instantly replaced with a charming smile.

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