The newborn child

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_????'s POV_

"Get back here!!" I ran and ran. I need to get away but it's very difficult for me to run. A newborn child was sleeping in my arms. My child.

"Come here!!" A male voice shouted. My lungs started to burn and my breathing got heavier. I look back to see him falling behind. My husband.

Before I knew it, i tripped and fell, rolling down the hill. I held the baby close and curled up, making sure he didn't get hurt. Branches and stones hit me, leaving scratches and bruises on my body. It hurts so badly.

Soon I came for a stop and quickly got up, running once again. I found a cave and quickly run in, my vision getting blurry. I leaned on the wall and tried to calm my breathing, at least a bit relief that the small baby boy was still asleep.

I look down and smiled weakly. His hair was chocolate brown like his father's and when he opened his eyes earlier, it was lime green like mine. My dear Jeremy, my child. My smile went wider, slide down on the wall and started humming a lullaby.

"Make my wish come true, let darkness fade to light.." I lay him down on my lap then remove my jacket, feeling the coldness of the night breeze.

"Show me there's still hope, show me it's not over." I continue as I wrapped my jacket around him, giving him more warmness. My breathing becoming slower and my eyes slowly closing.

"Battles we can win, our struggle lies within." I smiled and he moved slightly, I picked him back up and cradles him slowly.

"Will we live to greet the dawn..?" I slowly got up, my legs shaking then I walk further in the cave, feeling the air getting colder and colder at every step.

"Love will not leave you, hate will not heal you." I sat back down but then slowly lay down. The baby boy was on my chest as I held him close to me, making sure he won't fall. My eyelids closing and I can feel my heart slowly stopping. I'm a weak person to barely live, at least I made it that I'm able to see my child one last time.

A tear slid down from my eyes and sang the last words. "Promise me one day that peace shall reign.."

I'm sorry my dear. I'm sorry I'm not here to protect or raise you like a normal child. I'm sorry that you're in a situation like this. I'm sorry I died. I'm so sorry my child, Jeremy.

_No one's POV_

After the body of the child's mother went limp, the child himself started waking up and started crying, attracting an animal or a human.

He cried and cried, no one heard his cried of help and coldness. He was now alone and no one was there for him.

He was cold.

He was alone.

There's no one there to save him.

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