Chapter six

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I've called boss, giving him the excuse that Jeremy cannot go to work tonight due to sickness. Glad he agreed. That night, when Doll returned, I've gotten myself ready to head off to work. I've locked the door where Jeremy is, with a note inside, just for safety.

It's already 11:30 so I gave her a kiss before heading off with a 'goodbye' and 'I love you'. I walked towards the pizzeria, my hands in my pockets.

Why am I thinking about him? What's wrong with me?

I keep asking myself that yet no answer can pop up my head. I arrived at the pizzeria and push the doors open, seeing I'm the only one here. Great, everyone left too early. I walked to the security office and sat down.

I let out a big ass sigh before grabbing the flash light and the tablet, leaning back down on the chair. This is going to be a long night

_Jeremy's POV_

I slowly woke up, my eyes opening as I saw the same ceiling before. I sat up and looked around, this time, I got up, my legs lightly wobbling. It was cold and my legs felt so weak. I limp towards the door, my body shaking.

To be honest, I didn't remember what had happened earlier or why am I even here, but I know I've been crying. I need to get out of this place, I wanna go home. Back to mother..

I tried opening the door but it won't budge. Someone locked it. I look around the room once more before I saw the window. I walked towards it and opened it, it easily slide up. The cold night wind slapped me in the face, making me shiver. Damn, it really is cold..

From where I am, I was on a second floor. A jump wouldn't bother I did, I did jump. I jumped straight to a bush, making me cough and hurt my chest. I don't care, I need to know how mother's going. I need to know if she's safe, back at home.

I got up, not even bothering if there's leaves on my head and clothes, I just ran as fast as I could, ignoring the pain through my body.

My chest was burning when I arrived, I was running that takes me 20 minutes until I got back at home. I was smiling like a child when I went in th house but that smile vanish when a hand connects on my cheek. Someone slapped me. Father.

I look up and before I knew it, I was being beat up.

"You son of a fucking bitch! Why aren't you at work?! YOU USELESS CHILD, YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO DIED, NOT YOUR MOTHER!! Pathetic! Can't even do anything right! You piece of shit! Die! Die! DIE!!"

He keeps on throwing words at me as whip me with his belt, kicking me at the same time. I was crying for him to stop but no matter how much I beg, he doesn't stop. That's when I truly wake up. Mother is dead, I'm not home at all, I'm in hell. I cried and cried, but soon I gave up, my body all numb, no more pain, no more emotions yet my tears seems to continue to flow down.

He stopped and left me once again. I slowly got up, seeing wipped marks on my arm through my ripped sleeves. His hit was too hard, Mike's clothes can't even take it.

Without thinking, I ran straight to the door and outside. I ran to a random direction, I don't even care anymore. I was crying and my chest was burning, as if it's going to jump out of my chest any moment if I didn't take any rest as the cold air wraps it's arm around me, making me all cold.

_Vincent's POV_


I was walking back to my house from the pizzeria after working and taking care of annoying children. God, they're so annoying and noisy. I wanna kill them, but I won't. Not yet. I let out a chuckle for myself but it soon died out. I was laughing for myself, for crying out loud. People might think I'm crazy. Which truly, I am. It's not that someone's here.

I let out another chuckle but suddenly stopped when I heard panting and footsteps, as if someone running, going towards me. I was about to ignore it but soon, I saw a figure, a small one. It was running and soon, with the blink of an eye, I bumped onto them, both of us falling on the ground.

"It looks like you're in a hurry." I said, trying not to be rude at the person. I was patiently waiting for response but there none so I just got up and sigh. They were the one who's being rude. I can even see who they are, jeez, I really need a pair of glasses.

From the darkness, I could see the figure hasn't even moved yet they were breathing. Good, I guess. I kneel down for close examination. Then that's where I notice them.

I picked up the little boy in my arms and quickly walked to my house. It wasn't far away from where I am but damn, I gotta help this kid. Poor child, even for a killer, I still felt bad for the little dude. I wonder what happened to him.

I arrived and opened the door, carefully not dropping his light weigh body before heading to one of my guest rooms. I place him down in the bed and grabbed the first aid kit in the closet, picking it up from the corner before walking back to the sleeping brunette. I then opened his shirt.

He has scars on his wrists and whipped marks on his arms, as well as bruises on his body. He has bandages around his chest area but mostly on his shoulders which was now covered in blood, as if a wound was opened.

I first clean up all his bandage by removing it and wrapping up a new one. The wound was still stiched up so it's alright, it's just the pressure that makes the blood came out. I then started wrapping up his body with thin layer of bandages. I look down to his wrists. Oh poor child.

I wrapped his wrist with another thin layer of bandages, enough to cover it before going to the closet, pulling out a green sweater. Hm, I'm sure this'll fit him. I walked back to him and slip the sweater on him, being careful before taking the ripped shirt, throwing it at the garbage.

Letting out a yawn, I check the time. 1:26 am. Hm, I need sleep. I tucked the boy under the covers before walking out the room and to mine. I lay down on the bed and didn't even bothered changing when I fell asleep just as my head hit the pillow.


_Mike's POV_

Finally! 6 am! I nearly fucking died, holy fucking shit. I got up and stretches before walking out the pizzeria with my middle fingers out towards the stage as I open the door. I don't give a fuck anymore and I'm tired of their fucking shit. I walked back to my house and sigh, only to yawn soon.

I need to get some rest because I swear, I have eye bags under my eyes. I open the door and walked in, slightly wobbling from tiredness. I need sleep but I need to check Jeremy first. Walking upstairs and to the guest room, I unlock it and push the door open. He's not there. Fuck.

My eyes widen as I scan the room. The note was untouched and the window was slid open. I ran to the window and look out and around. Where the fuck did he go?

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