Chapter twelve

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(Just a short chapter, sorry ; v ;)

_No One's POV_

"What's wrong?" Phil asked but his question hasn't been answered when Vincent run past him and started dashing down towards Jeremy's house. With a mind full of curiosity, the younger male followed after him.

"Hey Vince! What's going on?!" He asked, trying his best to catch up or get his attention. But with too much focus in Vincent's head, he can't stop but worry about Jeremy. He needed to go and save him. He saved him once, he will do it again.

"Vincent!" Phil shouted and eventually Vincent slowed down and stopped, he followed, stopping just behind him. Phil reached to grab his shoulder, to talk to him, to ask what's wrong, but his hand was just slapped away before he could even touch his shoulder.

"Vincent..?" Phil was quite scared now. What should he do? He may have not seen him for years, but holy hell, he thought he had changed.

"Jeremy's in trouble, and I have to get him. Just leave me alone." Words like blades just struck straight to his chest. His heart ache, not moving a single muscle. Vincent just turn his head on the side, enough to take a small glance at the younger male before dashing off again, his figure soon disappearing in the dark.

Phil, however, didn't move. He doesn't plan to. After being told to leave, the only person he cared about, alone is just painful as loosing a relative, like his parents. Both died in sickness.

It feels like an hour have passed as he stands in the same spot, but it's only just been a minute when he decided to move, walking back to his apartment. What should he tell to his boss? Can he even tell anything to him?

Vincent ran and ran, ignoring the burning pain in his chest and throat. Just as after Jeremy called, his phone vibrated, not caring at first because of sudden dashing out, but now he doesn't have anyone in the way, he decided to check it, still running.

'17 Gilbert st'

It was a text from Jeremy. Now he exactly knows where he was. The truth is, he really doesn't know where he is or where he lives, but thanks to the text, he now know. Although, he do know where Jeremy always goes, which was the direction toward his house.

Quickly taking a sharp turn, he ran and ran, soon reaching the ruined house. Slowing down in front, Vincent glanced around, seeing broken windows around and empty beer bottles. Jeremy really lives in a fucked up house.

Vincent decided to go to one of the broken windows, carefully sliding his body in the middle, trying to not get any glass touch his clothes, or his skin. With his feet touching the floor, he slowly slid his head in, only to get his cheek cut by one of the glass.

"Shit.." The word came out as a whisper as he finally able to stand up, wiping the blood off with his sleeve. Focusing once again, he looked around, seeing how the room was filled with darkness, snoring from the living room, and more beer bottles. He noticed that he was in the kitchen.

Vincent peeked inside where the snoring comes from, seeing two old men sleeping, one of the couch and the other on the floor, both passed out from drinking. Quickly yet quietly heading to the stairs, he walked upstairs and to what he presumed Jeremy's room, which somehow, got it right. Opening the door, the sight was horrible.

He saw Jeremy laying on the floor on his side, body slightly twitching from either pain or coldness, the only thing that was covering him was his torn shirt and his socks that somehow stayed still to slightly warmed up his feet. His face and part of his abdomen was covered with what he presumed semen. From his eyes and to his cheeks were dried tears. His hips, thighs and neck were covered with claw marks and bruises, hair all tangled up and messy.

Vincent quickly dashed to him, not caring to any sounds he make, and kneel down beside him. He gently lifted him up by placing a hand under his neck then his back, making the smaller boy look at up at him. Jeremy's gaze slowly moved up to him to meet up with his chocolate brown ones.

"H-hey..took you enough time.." Jeremy weakly chuckled, his voice hoarse and dry. Vincent just geared up and slowly yet carefully hugged him.

"I-I'm sorry.."

How could he let this happen to Jeremy once more? He was suppose to be his protector, to be Ever since he met him as a child, something spark inside him that tells him to protect him, now they've met once again, he had promised to himself but it looks like he broke it.

He broke the promise of protecting the only person who cared for him.

"'s okay Vinny.." Jeremy weakly mumbled, voice and tone sounded like the child himself at the past, triggering something in his mind which the memories flooded back to him, making himself teared up more.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..I should've been better..from now on, I promise not to let this happen again."

A small smile tugged at Jeremy's lips. Vincent lightly stroked his hair then kisses his forehead, a brotherly-like kiss. Their little moment were interrupted by footsteps, which alerts the older man. Vincent gently lay the smaller boy back down, getting up and deciding to call Mike.

He waited as he hear the footsteps getting louder and louder, getting deadly close to the room they're in. Finally, he heard a beeb, someone answered it.

"Mike, go to Jeremy's place, now. 17 Gilbert street, no questions asked. I'll tell you when you get here." With that, he hang up, hopefully he got the information. Lowering his hand and shoving his phone back in his pocket, he glances down at Jeremy, still weak and laying down. That's good.

Two men stands at the doorway, bodies lightly wobbling. When the both of them noticed a stranger standing just in front of them, the two men went furious and without thinking, both charged at Vincent. A smirk just played at his lips before steadying himself, reaching to his back pocket to pulled out..

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