Chapter sixteen

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Mike was taken back for a bit, not knowing what to reply. Should he return the feelings or not? It might be bad, maybe good. He wasn't sure. Vincent might disagree if they got together, true, but it would hurt Jeremy if the two separated since the two have known each other since childhood.

He decided to slow the car and park on the side, then turning to Jeremy who was still fiddling and has his head hung low still.

Jeremy had been gathering up his confidence every since they've come to visit Vincent. Now he was ready to confessed, just doesn't know how to do it. So he just let it out, but anxiety has been with him which became stronger when Mike just stopped the car.

"Jeremy...I.." Mike remembered what Vincent had told him. "If you hurt Jeremy in any way possible, you'll be my next victim." It rang in his head. What he thought about went in his mind as well, so he really doesn't have a choice.

"Jeremy..I'm sorry but I—" Mike was quickly cut off by Jeremy who raise his hand, gesturing the older man to stop talking.

"It's alright, Mike." His eyes, which was ready to burst with tears, was covered by his bangs and he quickly got out the car.


"I'm walking.."

Instead of walking down the path walk and back to their house, he walked away from the road. And Mike, being a stupid idiot he is, didn't follow and decided to try and call him.






Nothing, no one answered. Mike tried once again but with a minute of waiting, no one answered. Giving up, the older male shoved his phone in his pocket and got out the car, running after what he think Jeremy went.


Silence. No one answered, just Mike's footsteps and panting can be heard, as well as his callings to the smaller male. "Jeremy!!"

'Shit, that was a bad move, Mike.' He though, looking around in panic. Where is Jeremy?!

As Mike tried to look for Jeremy, the young man was actually just in a play ground, sitting alone at the swings all alone, ignoring the vibrations in his pocket and his name being shouted, hearing it getting further and further away.

Jeremy say silently, starring at nothing but space in front of him. His hands had a light grip on the chains on his side, legs very lightly swinging his form back and forth. He never even notice how his tears uncontrollably falling from his eyes, blurring his vision.

It was a new thing he discovered yet still worth of waiting for days to recover. Something that's much stronger mentally than physically.

Denied love.

Having a strong feeling for someone only to find out they don't feel the same way as you after confessing to them. That's just what happened to Jeremy, and he hated it. He shouldn't have spoken, he shouldn't have confessed.

The night sky suddenly poured down, drenching Jeremy and Mike who's slowly loosing hope as he couldn't find the smaller one yet still continues on seeking.

"Jeremy!!" He continued shouting, running around in the pouring rain. Jeremy just got up and headed under the small rock climbing area, using it as a small shelter. Sitting down on the already wet ground, he curled up into a tight ball, shivering from the cold.

Mike ran and ran, but no one responded from his calls. He couldn't find Jeremy. He's hopeless, he was about to give up when he felt vibration in his pocket. Quickly heading to the nearby tree, he took shelter in and pulled his phone out. The same number was on his screen once again.


"Oh shit." Mike mumbled out loud before answering the call. Just hearing a slight sound of Vincent's voice makes him want to hang up and ran from him, then continue looking for Jeremy. He don't wanna be killed just yet.

"Hello, Mike. Have you and Jeremy arrived home safely?" The man asked on the other side of the phone. By the tone of his voice, he was still happy just as after Jeremy's visit.

"Uh..," Mike paused for a bit, quickly continuing with a fake grin. "Of course we did! Jeremy's already resting though."

"And why can I hear raindrops nearby? It seems you're still outside, Mike."

"I just took a quick run to the store to grab some bread."

"Alright. You didn't bring an umbrella, didn't you?"

"No, I didn't know it'll rain." Mike look around, walking back to his house, giving up on finding Jeremy.

"How idiotic of you." Vincent chuckled on the other side, having the other male glad that he didn't know about the situation he's in.

"Oh shut up." Mike rolled his eyes, shoving his free hand in his pocket, which is slightly hard to do.

"Just go home and warm up, alright?"

"Alright, I will."

That's when Mike just realised that Vincent isn't just concerned about Jeremy, but to him as well. Is he really changing or is he just trying to like him to not disappoint Jeremy? He doesn't know, but at least he won't be murdered, unless the truth is revealed.

"Have a good night sleep, Mike." With that, the older male hung up, leaving Mile having his sentence cut off.

"Didn't even gave me a chance to reply.." He mumbled before once again, dialing Jeremy's phone. When no one's picking it up still, he decided to do a recorded message.

"Hey Jeremy.." Mike started after hearing the familiar 'beep', the sound that gesture him that he was able to speak. "Look, I really am sorry...I need to explain some things and one of them is about what you said earlier to me."

"Do you like me as a friend, or something much more because if you do then..I'm glad. I'm sorry I made you like this, for me not retuning your feelings but there's a reason. If we became together, Vincent might be disappointed, he might not agree with us being together. But seeing you two..I don't want to get into your relationship with him, having that brotherly like bonding...

"I just wanted to say that I don't like you, but I love you Jeremy. I really do love you, every since the first day of work. I'm sorry for being a douchebag, for abusing you without knowing your past but please...come back.." Mike sobbed, wiping the tears he never knew was there as he speak. "I need you.." With that, he hung up, opening his front door and walked in. He took his shirt off and threw it into a random place before heading to his room, laying down and curling up under the covers.

It's been a while since he actually wanted someone to be with him, or cry. The only time he felt this way was when he was given away by the people he loved.

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