02 - The Birth of Rimuru... Tempest

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Oh!!? It's over... It's my end...

Before I could even realize it, as I was nonchalantly bouncing around looking for more Hipokute grass to store, I seem to have fallen into the water. From the way I'm falling steadily, I'd say it's a lake, after all, it doesn't seem to have any sort of strong current that I would expect coming from a river.

Well, I believed I was inside an underground cave, so I got a little distracted without expecting there to be something like a lake here.

Remembering some news report or documentary I'd seen before, I couldn't help but scold myself for forgetting that there could be subterranean lakes like this one inside caves like this one. They were formed because of the accumulation of rainwater that infiltrated the walls and ceiling of the cave. Well, even if I did, it's not like I could have done anything to avoid that lake since I literally wasn't able to see it.

Well, that was a long life for a slime, maybe? I mean, it's not like we have high life expectations and stuff... We're weak! I hope I don't feel too much pain before I die.

<<Response. Skill [Pain Nullification] prevents pain from processing, regardless of the amount of damage that is done to the body. The individual is unable to feel pain.>>

Hoh~, is it really like that? Well, that will be helpful. Dying in agony by drowning is not something I wanted to feel after being stabbed to death. At least I would have the chance to suffocate and die without feeling any pain... but why is it taking so long to drown me?

<<Response. Slimes do not need oxygen as their bodies only depend on a certain amount of magicule to keep all their functions active. It is impossible to die from asphyxiation.>>

Oh...! And even...?

Suddenly, I started to feel a little stupid for believing I was going to die. Of course, it was lucky that I survived since if I needed oxygen I wouldn't have been able to escape. I just assumed inside my head that I would die and I didn't even think of a way to resist, accepting death. Haah~... this is a little sad.

I mean, I should try harder to stay alive, shouldn't I? This is my second life! A second chance in a fantasy world where skills and magic were real!! There's no way I can just give up on my life again!!! Regardless of what happens, this time... I'm not going to die a virgin!!!! Well, not that I have any idea which slimes actually do "that" or not, but... I'll figure it out.

OK. I'm calmer now. Now the important thing is... how am I going to get out of this lake?!!

<<Notice. You can activate the Extra Skill [Water Manipulation] to control the flow of water around you, creating a current of water that lifts you to the outside. Do you want to activate Extra Skill [Water Manipulation]? [YES]? [NO]?>>

Hoh~, a cool name skill! I'm not sure what the "Extra" part means, but who ever imagined controlling one of the four elements? When my chuunibyou was at its peak I imagined myself controlling the black flames, but I know none of the elements can be underestimated. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and it all depends on how you use them... Well, that's all I've seen in games and fantasy stories, but since I'm in a fantasy world, it should count.

With a strong [YES] inside my mind, I could feel how, somehow, some kind of energy was flowing around me. At the same time, I imagined the current of water reversing and me heading towards the surface instead of sinking, and this happened soon after. I didn't even really care which direction I was going, I just accelerated harder, reveling in this feeling of moving so fast through the water, something I couldn't even do when I was human.

It works! I can even control the direction the water moves!!

I almost started laughing at this, but I held it back. First I should get out of the water, only then should I start testing this power. With that train of thought in mind, I started to control the movement of the water around me, creating a current that was pushing my body upwards (at least I think it is upwards). I'm not sure how fast I was moving since I couldn't see anything, but I seemed to be moving really fast.

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