45 - The Ogre Village Battle p4

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The ogre chief was completely immobile, unable to move in the face of the pressure his opponent was emitting. No, actually it would be better to say that every instinct in her body was telling her the same thing; if he moved now, the creature in front of him would charge forward and take his life. That's why he had no way of gathering strength and advancing.

Of course, as the strongest ogre he could move if the situation really called for it, only he knew it was no advantage to do so now.

"For now, how about we just enjoy the show?"

And then, to the boss's surprise, and everyone present, the "thing" in front of him, which he was barely sure what it was, simply sat down on the ground, as if it had not even the slightest interest in the battle. . She just smiled, directing her gaze to the field where the two groups were fighting, as if she could see the battle taking place dozens of meters away.

"Why... don't you wish to fight...? If it were you, then perhaps our village would have been crushed a long time ago."

The boss asked this, confused by the behavior the "thing" in front of him had. In response he only received a confused look.

"And what's the point of that? If Rimuru wanted to crush you with brute force and say 'surrender or die', then he would do it himself. That's the level of power he has."

The head of the ogres was even more surprised, hearing such words from the entity in front of him. The woman in front of him, apparently one of the legendary "Kijin", who are a "rare" evolution of their people, spoke of her master as if he were more powerful than she was. For the head of the ogres, imagining a creature in this forest that was more powerful than this woman was an impossible job.

When it came to spells, not even the forest caretaker, Treyni the Dryad, could be a match for this Kijin.


"... How strong is your master?"

the boss asked, narrowing his eyes as he tried to gauge her response. He knew that he couldn't tell if she was speaking the truth or a lie just by her words, but he still wanted to know how her reaction would be when faced with such a question.

And her reaction was just to smile, as if this was all a big joke.

"He's strong enough that all of this is still pretty boring. The truth is... It's just that he's already limited himself, so he can't fight seriously. After all, if he fights-"

Before Kijin could continue a strong wind blew, specifically around her. Those present could clearly feel, in this wind, the magic of someone acting, that person who had identified himself as Rimuru before.

Even from this distance, everyone understood, that the Rimuru had not only heard everything, but that he could even attack if he so desired.

"Well, it looks like he wants me to shut up. So let's just...enjoy the show."


Gobuta was standing in front of the two ogres, father and daughter, with a furious look on his face. The two's only reaction to this was to see, with apprehensive eyes, was to stand still, on guard, with all their attention focused on Gobuta. The pressure that Gobuta was emitting from his body, at the moment, surpassed that of an ogre, and his body leaked with a strange killing intent.

Despite this, Gobuta managed to control himself enough not to charge at the two.

"Before I start... You girl!" Gobuta shouted this, pointing at the ogre's daughter with his armored hand. The ogress, hearing this, became even more on her guard than before, but she still didn't take any action. It was better to hear what he had to say to her before she took rash action. "Unfortunately, even though I wanted to crush both of you, I won't be the one fighting you. I'll only be fighting that little guy over there."

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