35 - Moon and Tempest p1

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Thirteen hours passed in the blink of an eye.

No, saying that would be wrong. I was simply so tired, so exhausted, that during my hibernation my consciousness had disappeared. It got to the point where I could only regain my senses minutes after my body really woke up, indicating that I had really gone beyond my limits.

And of course, right after I regained consciousness I deeply regretted having woken up, preferring that I had stayed asleep.

As soon as I woke up, an absurd pain, as if every cell in my body had been pierced by a needle, spread throughout my being. It got to the point where I couldn't even move my body properly, and I felt this pain getting worse by the second, as if something that was already cracked was breaking even more with every movement.

This is weird. Where is my [Pain Nullification]?

<<Warning! [Pain Nullification], as well as... -tras skills are malfunctioning- due to... damage suffered to al-... -vidual Rimuru Tempest. It is suggested to use... -preventive action to regenerate the soul-..., otherwise-

The Sage did not finish speaking. Before he could, I suddenly felt a twinge in my head and I felt like he'd gone dead.

My [Six Supernatural Senses], which were previously being computed by the Sage, had also been affected, and I could barely see things around me. Yet somehow I managed to get them to work myself and, with great effort, I jumped out of bed.

The Sage wasn't operating, so I started trying to find countermeasures myself, some way to keep myself from dying for the next hour. I couldn't, of course. I used a part of my own soul to save Shizu, it made me even more vulnerable than I was normally, that's why when that wave of strange spells appeared out of nowhere and I used my soul to defend Shizu I took so much damage.

With that in mind, my current chances of survival are zero, no?

I don't have a method to regenerate a worn soul like mine, which is to say it will continue to deteriorate. I'm even analyzing the information, but there's no way the answer to that can come up with my reduced speed, even more so without the help of the Sage.


<<<You need more energy...>>>

One voice? I don't know if saying it's a voice is the right thing. More than that, an instinct... or an answer! That's the best way to define what popped into my head.

Unlike most of my skills, [Profane] is still working flawlessly, it doesn't even look like it took any damage from all that. If my soul had been bombed by a nuclear missile, then [Unholy] was protected inside an armored bunker.

And now [Profane] was telling me exactly the answer I needed.

[Profane] is a very complex skill, but what it always did was transform my energy, that is, a part of the souls I devoured, into a skill. This means, basically, that it makes the souls I devour become a part of my own soul, only with the configuration of a skill.

So, what if I wish, not a skill, but that it repair a part of my soul?

I just need a patch... just enough so I don't die. Even if my soul is more sensitive after that, for me, that will have been more than enough.

There's only one problem...

"I need... energy..."

I have no energy...

I spent all the energy I had to save Shizu's life. Every creature I've killed so far, every soul I've devoured so far, every ounce of energy I've stored, and every spell I've prepared to use my [Unholy] skill, I've used them all up.

That Time I Got Reencarnated as a Demon Lord (English)Where stories live. Discover now