06 - Slime vs Fang Wolves pt1

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Nearly a hundred goblins looked at me with desperate looks on their faces, partly from the aura I let out before coming to this place and partly from the calamity that had befallen this goblin village lately. The goblins in this place were thin and frail to the point where anyone would think they would die in a short time just by looking at them... and if I don't help them they will die, albeit for another reason.

What was I doing in this goblin village? Well...

"Oh Almighty! Please save our lives!!!"

Everyone asked as they lowered their heads to me. The way they spoke was very synchronized, surprising me. It's almost as if they had been practicing synchronized speech before I showed up, hoping someone would help them, but that shouldn't be the case...is it?

"Well, well, everyone calm down! Come to my tent, oh mighty one."

The goblin leader, a shriveled old man who could barely stand using his own cane as a source of support, came out of his tent to silence everyone and to call me inside. I felt a little bad for ignoring everyone the way I did, and even worse for making an old man like him struggle, but I pretended calm and headed towards the old man's tent. Being the elder who led the goblin village, this old man was the best person to really explain to me the situation they were in.

Answering the question of how I got to the village, apparently the leader of the goblin exploration group, the son of the village elder, had invited me to his village so that they could explain their situation and ask for my help. The moment I said "yes" to the [Great Sage] about containing my aura, the misunderstanding was created between us, and I ended up having to come to this place so as not to tell them that I wasn't listening to anything from what they were talking about.

Well, it doesn't cost me anything to come here and listen to their words... I think...

Summing up a lot of what the elder and his son told me after I thought this, Fang Wolves that formerly inhabited the nearby plains began to invade their lands since the divine beast that protected them, a dragon called "Storm Dragon", Veldora, abandoned them. From what I've been told, Veldora disappeared just over a month, which is around the time I found the corpse of a mighty dragon inside that cave.

So, the dragon was called Veldora, wasn't it...? Great Sage! How much of the analysis has already been done?

<<Response. Analysis of the corpse of a dragon, suspected to be the individual named Veldora, is 89% complete. It is estimated that there are six days left for completion.>>

Hmm~... A few more days for me to be able to confirm that it was really Veldora... Until then, better not tell them anything about the corpse...

"So what do you want me to do about it anyway? I'm just a slime."

"We think that an individual with your mighty aura... With the great power you possess, we thought that... perhaps, you could get rid of these wolves that plague us?! Please, we beg you, save our lives!!!"

The old man's words touched me in part. In my old world, I was just the idiot others took advantage of, but that was only around people my age. On the other hand, I've always loved being with the elderly and children, who always keep a pure spirit. For that reason, it's hard for me to see an old man in need who put his head down to ask a young man like me for something and just do nothing.

If I just exterminate these wolves... No, Rimuru! Don't let yourself be used! We can't do things for free for people in this world either, or it will never stop!!

I didn't really mind the idea of ​​helping them, especially since they were in need. Still, I decided that I should be more true to myself and less kind. If I just did it for them without ever charging anything, then I would be teaching them that they would always be saved without having to give anything in return. Also, if I don't learn to charge people for what I do now, then in the future they'll keep trying to take advantage of me.

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