32 - PROFANE!!! P1

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When I shouted that, my body, which surrounded Shizu's like a sphere of goo, was painted black, that's because my own soul had left the body in the form of a spirit creature in order to hold Shizu's soul inside the body. body.

Let's ignore that my soul is full of darkness, I have to save Shizu!

I don't mind plunging my soul into darkness, but I will save it! If not, why have my skills?

Focused on that, I accelerated [Analysis] from [Predator] with [Assessment], [Thought Acceleration] and [Parallel Processing] from [Great Sage], bringing me to my maximum speed.

The world around me seemed almost still, so fast was I moving, and yet I felt slow. It was almost as if he could feel Shizu dying little by little and none of the analysis ended.

<<Analysis finished! Can't save Shizu Izawa! In the current state, individual Shizu Izawa lacks the power to face Ifrit for control of the body, resulting in the total consumption of his being. The most likely result is the consumption of the individual Shizu's consciousness, erasing it while attempting to return permanently. Because of this, it is not possible to save Shizu by returning the Ifrit.>>

Damn it! Why can't things be this easy for once?!! This time was the only time I needed luck on my side! JUST THIS TIME!!!

Wise! I need you to find a way to save Shizu! NOW!!!

<< Calculating possibilities . . . . . . No possibilities found! 21.3% of information from sacred texts was tested, 0% chance of success. Individual Shizu Izawa has no chance of survival.>>

Not even that I will accept that possibility! Wise, we've fought what the world says is possible more than once!! I trust you will make it, so-

Before finishing the sentence, I felt Shizu's soul trying to leave her body, so I focused all my attention and molded my spirit form to force her soul back into her body. Fortunately [Unholy] connected us now that she was weaker, so I can hold onto her soul more easily while assessing her body to make sure there is no damage.

Let's just ignore my soul turning blacker from [Unholy] use for now, or the absurd waste of my spells.

I don't have a lot of time, but how do I fight the possibilities? I can't do anything with my current set of skills and I don't know any spells that would help. So how do I stop Shizu from dying? Unless I can fight old age, I-

That's it!!! Sage, find a way to rejuvenate Shizu, now!

<< Calculating . . . . . . >>

Again, even using everything I have, even if the wings of a fly in the room aren't even able to move in my accelerated tempo, the result is that I still feel sluggish. Every second, Shizu's soul seems less connected to her body, forcing me to position my soul and my spirit body to hold her, spending an even greater amount of spells.

At the current rate, I won't have time to save Shizu! And, even if I have time, I won't have the necessary spells!! I need to get even stronger!!

<< Result found! The human body is made up of cells that wear out over the passage of time devid->>

The fastest way, Sage!!!

<< . . . By rebuilding her body, cell by cell, it would be possible to reverse aging by using cells from a younger body as a baseline in the process. It would need to convert about 13 trillion cells in all.>>

Excellent! This is not simple at all, but it's enough for me! If I can save her, I don't care! The process of rebuilding the body, start immediately! I will keep her soul and spirit body intact throughout the entire process.

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