38 - New Skills, New Form and an Old Friend

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"Rimuru!!! What's going on here???"

"Huh...? Depends on what you want to know..."

I replied to Petulan-...to Tsuki-chan, a rather embarrassed smile on my face as I tried not to look at her. A lion can be cute to look at through a cell phone, but if that same lion is looking at you, and you see the hunger in his eyes, "cute" isn't the first word you think of.

That's the feeling that Tsuki goes through now.

After the evolution she's much prettier, but "beauty" isn't the first thing I think of when she looks at me with those angry eyes.

Tsuki-chan first looked at me as if she didn't believe I could play the fool even in this situation, something I just smiled at. I can always play the fool, this is the biggest secret weapon I acquired during childhood!

Of course, this only served to annoy Tsuki-chan even more, but she soon sighed, as if she had decided to ask from the beginning.

"Haah~... Well, first I came here to ask why the whole mountain disappeared and in its place a castle appeared, while for some reason the song 'Livre Está' from Frozen was played all over the city."

I looked back at the magnificent castle I had positioned behind me, and I understood what Tsuki-chan was talking about. A whole mountain has disappeared and in its place is a great and majestic castle; this is indeed a magical sight for those who see it, although a little frightening for those who do not understand what is happening.

"Then I came over here and saw you, and I wanted to ask, what is this new form of yours anyway?!"

Well yes, I got an upgrade in my current form. After evolution I graduated from my childhood life (slime form) and finally became an adult (humanoid form), which is a source of pride for me. Well, everyone in town recognizes me by my aura, so no one should mistake me just because of my shapeshifting.

"But then, as I got closer I realized that you weren't alone. So... let me ask you... Why is it that when I take my eyes off you for more than five minutes, and I repeat, five minutes , another beautiful and unknown woman appears and clings to you?! Why are there four of you this time??!! Why is there a newborn slime in your lap???!!! And why haven't you started to love me yet? reply????"

This time what I did was too surprising, even by my standards. To tell you the truth, even I don't understand 100% how I got here...?

At this point there was only one thing I could say...

"Ah, so that's what you want to know about..."


Okay, she's about to attack me. And even though I know I can survive anything she throws at me, even though that was before she evolved, I still held up my hands in surrender. This time I'm to blame, it's no use defending myself.

"Well... To explain it, why don't we go back to the beginning? About three hours ago..."


And here we are again, in the cave where I was born and raised (for a month). A large cave that stretched across almost the entire mountain in different tunnels, most of which had no way out, some connected with other places, and so on. In the end, there was only one way out, that is, the place I entered.

"I think it's time for me to start experimenting, don't you? Let's start assessing all the damage I've managed to do to myself."

That was my main objective here.

To save Shizu I spent a large part of my own soul. Because of that I consumed some of my skills, all those that had been considered unnecessary at the time to save Shizu and all that were considered of little use in the short term.

That Time I Got Reencarnated as a Demon Lord (English)Where stories live. Discover now