48 - Onesided Massacre

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I used my sword to defend the ogre chief's sword. Just as expected, his sword had an unbelievable weight on it, strong enough that he could cut through a tree without any effort. In fact, for a second I felt like my arms had gone numb when I parried his attack, indicating how strong he was.

Still, I defended, even if with great difficulty.

With a diagonal movement, I made his sword slide to the left and, with my right leg, I tried to kick him away. Still, before I could land the attack, a couple of attacks came from the diagonals.

The Old Man and the General didn't seem willing to let me hit their boss.

Using as much strength as I could on the foot that was still in contact with the ground, I pushed my body back and avoided the two's blow. Unfortunately, by avoiding being hit I also lost my chance to launch an attack.

And then, the Old Man and the General began to attack, alternating who was attacking to prevent an opening from appearing. In a moment, the old man would come attacking me, moving his sword fluidly as he tried to hit me with three or four strikes. Soon after, as if to prevent me from finding a hole in her pattern, the General came forward, her blow being so heavy that it sent me flying.

I confess that I felt quite impressed when I saw this.

I didn't expect to be able to hold my own against the old man's quick attacks in the state I was in now, but it seems that my natural speed, in this human form, is better than expected. At the same time that I have this speed, I have incredible strength to match it, which compares me to every attack from the General and the Old Man.

That was why, although I wasn't able to find an opening in their attacks, they were also only able to defend and attack, without finding space for a more serious blow.

After all, Ciel, how am I so strong? I should have the body of a human, no?

<<Answer: The user was built with the imitation of the best characteristics of the analyzed creatures. Therefore, it is incorrect to call her current form "human", however defining her as "Chimera" would suit her current form.>>

Hmm~... So this form is also a chimera form? I didn't think much of it, I have the other chimera form that looks like a lion acting through a clone all the time, but I didn't know that Ciel had made my current form a chimera as well. Well, not that I'm going to complain that my base form is so strong.

Using sheer physical strength, I slammed my sword against Grneral's sword, forcing her back for a moment, and left the Old Man too impressed to act. This generated a second of gap, which I took advantage of to aim an attack in the Old Man's direction.

In the end, he just disappeared using his {Battle Will} to move out of my way.

Still, I had already messed with the flow of battle.

With the Old Man far away, I began to attack the General with a series of very fast thrusts, which she could barely follow. I managed to make a cut on her leg and another on her arm just before the Boss and the Old Man managed to close in, forcing me to back up.

"He's stronger than I thought, but his technique isn't good. He needs to sharpen more."

I looked at the old man after he said that. This guy... If I was using [Grandmaster] in this fight I could have copied his technique from the beginning and at that point the fight would be over, but I don't want to do that. I'm barely using my combat skills, I don't want to use a stolen skill like [Grandmaster] to face one of my opponents so lightly.

It wouldn't be fun to do that. That would take all the joy out of real combat.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. When I'm done with you, I'm going to learn every sword move you have to teach me."

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