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(Author's Note: This chapter, is going to be one of the many chapters, that will be entirely smutty. Any of these chapters that will be pure smut, will contain an asterisk after the chapter. Just another reminder, this book is an AU. . . Also known as an Alternate Universe Fanfiction. Anything talked about in this story is simply fiction. It's also fanfiction, so none of it is true. -M)


I lightly rap my knuckles on the back door, waiting for Tom to come and open it. I felt bad for blowing Jacob off, but I wanted to get to the bottom of why Tom was acting so weird. When Tom finally opens the door, he doesn't say a word before he grabs me and yanks me inside. I stumble behind him before shutting the door behind me. I turn to greet Tom with a kiss, but his hand is on my throat before I could get a single sentence out.

"Never again," His voice is dark and sultry. "Never again will you blow me before a serious meeting for our movie. What you did was so unlike you."

"You would have asked for it," I reply with a small smile and Tom presses his body against mine.

"That's not the point, Zendaya." Tom's teeth graze the skin right below my earlobe as my arms move to his shoulders. "Just the thought of that pretty mouth being used for something other than talking. . ."

"Is that what was on your mind while we were at that meeting?" I smirk, allowing my fingers to brush against his shoulder blades. "Naughty, naughty boy."

Tom's fingers move from my neck down to my hips, where they squeeze. I gasp as my body moves to press against his. Before I can get another word out, Tom's lips are dominating mine. Our lips mold together perfectly as his fingers mess with the bottom of my black tank top. He's mentioned how much he hates seeing me in tank tops, as it's been something that has always made him hard. My fingers tangle in the curls at the base of his neck as Tom bites my lip. Without hesitating, I open my mouth to allow his tongue to claim my mouth as his. I start to pull back and I hear a low growl start in Tom's throat.

"What?" Tom kisses from the corner of my mouth and down my chin towards my neck. His lips graciously attack my neck, careful not to leave any marks behind.

"We need to practice our lines for Wednesday," I mumble while my eyes flutter closed. "And we can't be late either and you know that."

"I don't want to think about work. I want to think about your pretty lips where they belong," Tom's voice is even huskier than it was just a few minutes prior. His hands leave my hips before he moves them towards my shoulders. Both of his hands cup them and he starts to apply a little pressure. "On your knees, love."

"Should we move somewhere else? Your brothers-"

"I don't give a fuck about my brothers. You knew what wearing that tank top was going to do to me. If they come while you're on your knees, maybe it will finally prove that you're a little slut for me." Tom's husky British accent and calling me a slut; it has my legs turning to jelly. "Now, do as I say."

My hands are shaking with anticipation as I reach up to undo the buckle of his belt. Tom's fingers pull my hair into a makeshift ponytail, and he quickly tugs on my hair. I moan softly, my eyes shifting up and looking up at him. After getting my attention, he speaks. "Hurry up. I want to shag you as soon as I can."

My fingers move quickly as I unbutton his pants, ignoring the zipper. I tug the horribly tight skinny jeans down his legs before he kicks them to the side. I shift my gaze up to meet his eyes, innocently batting my eyelashes as I pull his boxers down. The moment my fingers brush his shaft, Tom's hips thrust forward in a desperate attempt to get more friction.

He laces our fingers together as he slowly presses into me. I gasp as my body arches off of the bed. Tom pauses for a moment, watching my face before pulling back. I squeeze his fingers as he finds a steady pace. Each time his hips meet mine, I feel my eyes roll. My moans are slowly getting louder, and Tom uses his mouth to quickly silent me. Our fingers unlace so that we each can explore each other's bodies. As my nails dig into his shoulders, Tom finds a relatively fast pace. Pulling his mouth away from mine, he trails kisses down my neck. Our rules have never changed and as he sucks on my collarbone, I feel the need to remind him.

"N-No marks," I speak breathlessly and Tom grunts in response.

I know that he hates holding back, but the slightest mark would not only make anyone curious about who had left it. Tom's teeth graze my skin before he moves back to kiss me. Biting and sucking on my bottom lip was his usual replacement for not being able to mark me as his. Tom's fingers move to my hips, where his fingernails leave crescent shaped marks on my skin. While Tom continues to thrust into me, I allow my fingers to run through his hair. I tug on the ends of it, causing him to groan against my lips. The familiar knot in my stomach starts to appear and I begin to tug harder on Tom's curls.

"You close?" His voice is husky against my ear while he nibbles on my lobe. I can't find the words that are stuck in my throat, so I simply just nod. I feel one of Tom's hands move down to rub circles onto me. I throw my head back in ecstasy and pure pleasure. If there was one thing Tom knew how to do right; it was knowing exactly how to make me come undone under him.

I turn off the shower before I reach for the towel hanging up. I wrap the warm towel around my body, sighing contently. Drying off, I wonder if Tom's brothers had shown up at the house or if they were still out with friends. They're used to hanging out with me, so they're not surprised when I'm at Tom's house whenever they show up. I grab the clothes that I had previously left at Tom's house and change into them. The more we've had escapades, the more clothes I find myself "accidentally" leaving at his house. I almost convinced myself that he has a drawer which is solely dedicated to me and the items I leave behind.

"Daya?" Tom's accent is thicker than it was earlier. "I just wanted to let you know that there's some pizza in the kitchen if you wanted some before you left."

"Thanks, I'll be out in a few minutes." I reply whilst looking at myself in the mirror.

My eyes grow wide when I notice a small purple and blue splotch forming on my collarbone. Despite one of our rules, Tom had marked me.  Pulling on my jumper, I do my best to hide the blossoming mark before I join Tom out in the living room. 

- A

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