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This chapter contains sexual ideas, as well as rules. Read with caution

Tom: We need to talk, Z.

Tom: I can be back at your house in about an hour. We have to get the pill as well.

I bite my lip while I read over the texts for the third time after Tom dropped me off. What did he want to talk about? Was it about what he said to me the other night? We had simple rules; rules we both swore to follow.

No phone sex.

Broken. It was too risky, but somehow we talked each other into it.

No public sex.

In the middle of the hallway, right inside Tom's back door. Is that considered public? One of his brothers, Harrison or Jacob could have walked in at any moment. It must have been something that he found hot. However, the stunt that we pulled in the movie theater, that was public sex. Had we both stopped caring? We literally fucked in the back of a movie theater and for what? Because we were both hot and bothered?

What was this man doing to me?

No nudes.

I was the first one to break this rule, but Tom slapped right back at me. It was a stupid rule because I knew that I was going to love teasing him too much to back off of that idea.


Tom had failed at that. He held my hand during an interview, but it was only because he sensed my nerves. We were nothing more than friends who were sleeping together, but nobody knows that.

No marking.

Tom broke that rule, the same night that we were messing around in the hallway of his house. We talked about it, but it was sort of brushed over. We wanted to keep our relationship on the downlow and with that mark, it was kind of asking for interview questions.

No name calling.

Hearing the word "slut" in Tom's thick accent was more than enough for me to have considered this to be a stupid rule. Simply hearing him mutter that while I was on his lap at the movie still makes my core tingle.

No coming inside. AT ALL.

Tom had all the time in the world during the movie to reach into his wallet and pull out a condom. He didn't though and I didn't stop him. If I had to pick two major rules out of the ones we came up with, that would have been number two. Number one?

Just sex. No true feelings. No falling in love.

Number one was not to fall in love. I knew that deep down, not only had I broken the rule, but I was convinced that Tom had as well. In the after bliss of sex, we would talk and simply enjoy each other's company. When he came over to my house, I no longer just expected to be getting something sexual from it. I was expecting to actually being able to spend time with him.

"Are you sure that's what he said?" Darnell asked and I nodded. I ended up breaking down and telling Darnell everything. I was sick of feeling alone in the situation and I needed someone's advice. "Zendaya, if he said that the loved you. . . Have you talked to him about it? Do you know if he's serious?"

"I haven't had the guts to do so, Darnell." I pause. "I'm scared. The last relationship I was in. . . It was ruined because of the press. He makes me feel things that no one else does. It's hard to explain."

"Z, do you love him?" Darnell's voice is flat and I bite my lip. Do I love him?

"How do you know when you love someone?" I ask and Darnell lets out a small laugh.

"I think it's different for everyone, Z. I really do. You know you love someone when you cannot stop thinking about them. You go to bed and the only thing on your mind is Tom. You wake up in the morning and you reach for your phone to reach out to him. You crave to be around him and for his attention. If he's not with you, you want to be connected to him somehow. You wear one of his old necklaces. I know you stole it from him during the last movie, but you don't ever stop wearing it. You steal his clothes whenever you think you can get away with it. You constantly want to be talking to him. He's all that's on your mind. All day. Everyday. You know you love him when you put him above all else and you risk everyone and everything for him. He's your world, Z. I can tell that just from what I know about you."

My world halts to a stop, and I'm grabbing onto my vanity in my room. Darnell had a point. Was I falling in love with Tom? Everything that Darnell said was true. . . I never wanted to be falling in love with Tom, but I was. There was something about the way he made me feel that always gave me butterflies. I loved being around him and spending time with him. Had I broken our main rule? Was I in love with Tom? After a few moments of silence, I look down at my phone. My lock screen was a photo of Tom and I on set. We were leaning back on a bed and he had a cheesy smile plastered on his face. As I stared at that photo, my body froze. I was in love with Tom.

"Oh my god, Darnell." I start to say as I look up from my phone. "I-I think I'm in love with Tom."

There is a loud honking outside of my house and I quickly grab my bag. My fingers twirl around my keys while I exit my house. Tom's parked near the door, his lights dimmed. I sigh while I lock my door. I was just going to tell him how I was feeling. The simple idea, it was making me shake. I was truly falling for Tom and Darnell had proved it. I stick my phone in my pocket as I approach the vehicle, I notice that Tom is a little more dressed than he was when he showed up to the movie. I open the door and the moment Tom turns to me, the words tumble out of my mouth.

"Tom, I think I'm falling in love with you."

Tom's eyes watch me, and he's silent. Had I been too up front? Did I misinterpret signals and had I jumped too fast into it? I search Tom's face, but I can't tell if he's feeling anything as I lean forward and press my lips to his. It takes a few moments, but Tom's kissing me back and practically pulling me over the armrest.

"Thank god," He breathes against my lips. "I thought I was the only one."

Thank you guys so so much for 1K!!! N and I really appreciate it. When we first wrote this book, we didn't think that anyone would want to read it! To give back to you guys, we're going to be sharing some of our favorite books that we've been reading.

The name of the fanfiction is "Scripted". Scripted is a Tom Holland fanfiction that contains a original character. We've been super obsessed with this book. There's only one cheaper, but I'm sure that Mack will be updating it soon. To locate the book, simply look up the tagged user. I'm sure that she will appreciate the support! We will be looking into some other books. If you're interested in us checking out your books and a potential chance to have a shout out, make sure you PM us and follow us!

Once again, thank you guys so much for the 1K reads. I can't wait to share the rest of this book with you guys!


Username for Scripted: TheRumIsDyedBlue

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