Seven **

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I brush my hands down the front of my jeans, wiping the sweat that produced on my palms away. I look back in the mirror at myself, the suit and bow tie were not something I would normally wear. I would literally do anything for Zendaya, even if that meant wearing a suit and tie.

Tom: I'm on my way. Pack a bag.

I was officially just going to rip off the bandaid and ask her to be my girlfriend. My real life MJ. I wanted to be able to show her off and stop fooling around. I wanted to be more than friends. More than friends with only sexual benefits. I wanted more. God, I really do.

I shake off the feeling that she may be mad that I broke our number one rule. The rule where I wasn't supposed to fall in love with her, and she wasn't supposed to fall in love with me. We were supposed to be a thing with no strings, but here I was bringing along the strings that she probably doesn't even want.

I grab my keys from my desk as I walk out of my room. I run directly into one of my brothers who of course looks at me as though I lost my mind. He looks at my outfit and smirks a little.

"Where are you off to, your highness? Is it a date?" He wiggles an eyebrow teasingly. I groan, fully expecting this from him. Though my siblings were younger than me, they teased me as though they were the eldest.

"It's not a date, Paddy." I sigh, running my free hand through my hair as I try to pass him. He steps in front of me, blocking my path.

He grins excitedly, "But you want it to be. Who is it? Is it Daya?"

"No," I lied before continuing with the truth, "I'm just going to this person's house to talk to her. It's not a big deal."

It was best not to tell him just yet either. I didn't want to tell anyone that I loved her until I told her first. Again. Granted, Jacob may have found out on his own, but I never verbally admitted those kinds of feelings to him about her.

"You don't know that. Anyone smart enough would say yes. Have some faith bro," Patrick grins. "When you get back, do you want to play some games before mom and dad swing by to pick me up?"

"If we have time, yes." I look past him toward the door. "Could I go now? I don't want her to think that I am standing her up."

Patrick moves to the side and smiles. I move past him and make my way toward the front door. Just as I turn the knob I hear him shout, "Let me know how it goes!"

I turn the ignition and back out of the driveway, trying not to speed as I begin my journey to Zendaya's house. I really hope she is ready and if she is... That thought alone was enough to make me nervous. What if she doesn't feel the same and that's why she kissed me right after I admitted that I loved her?

I get to her house within minutes. I pulled up near the door and put the vehicle in park, I began to honk the horn to let her know I was here. I beep my horn a few more times to let her know that it really is important. We really did have to talk and this time I am not letting it get too far before I have the chance to hear how she feels too. I need to know.

I watch her move around in front of the door through the window before she scurries out and looks at me sitting still in the car. To make it seem like I'm not too impatient I look down at the radio and make myself seem like I'm turning the music down even though there isn't even anything playing on it. I begin to recite what I want to tell her. She makes her way over to the passenger side soon after locking her door. I take in a breath and hold it as she opens the door.

I look at her, taking in how she looked in front of me. My eyes rake her body, from her tight and cute jeans, to the black shirt, to the top of her beautiful head. Her curls lay perfectly on her shoulders and she wore little to no make up. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

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