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Before this chapter starts, I want to thank everyone for being so patient. I know it has been two weeks since we've updated. I was sick two weeks ago and I'm still trying to get over it. Not to mention, I needed to take a break from writing for a bit. As a writer, it's important to self-regulate your feelings and make sure that you're okay before being ready to dive into someone else's life.  I figure taking a week off for my mental health wouldn't be a problem because as much as I enjoy writing, sometimes, I get into a funk where I need to step away and work on some other items. However, I will promise that this two week along awaited chapter is going to be worth it. So, I hope everyone enjoys! -A 


It had been a week since I last had seen Tom. We'd both been really busy with our own personal lives and sometimes; couples do need some time apart. After the dream Tom had a few days ago, I wanted to have some alone time to hang out with Makayla and Elena. Shortly after leaving Tom's house that morning, I began to worry if we were moving too fast. We'd just become a couple not even a month ago and he was already talking about marriage? I love him, yes, but marriage was still going to be a little ways away. Upon arriving home, I had showered and ignored any and all texts from Tom. I was a little unnerved by the whole thing, but I just wanted to think about everything he had talked about. Were we moving too fast? It felt like we were. . .

"Zendaya, you there?" Elena waves her hand in front of my face as we walk into the backroom of my house. "You sort of zoned out when we were outside. Makayla started talking about another triple date and it seemed like you stopped listening when she mentioned Tom. Is everything okay between the two of you?"

"Of course!" I lie through my teeth, nearly avoiding their gazes. "Everything is perfect."

"You're lying," Makayla rests her hand on my upper arm. Damn Jacob for telling her how to tell when I'm lying. "We're your friends. If something is going on with Tom, you can tell us. We won't tell him or Jacob or Sam."

"It's nothing, really." I continue to walk towards the kitchen, not bothering to look back at either of them.

"Zendaya, come on!" Elena rolls her eyes as they catch up with me. I open the fridge, attempting to preoccupy myself with putting away some of the things that we just bought. "What's going on?"

"Tom and I are moving too fast! I know we are and I know all of you guys are judging just how fast we're moving." I blurt out before sighing into the fridge. "You and Jacob have been going steady for three months and I'm sure the two of you haven't even slept together yet. Elena and Sam have been dating for a year and a half and they're getting ready to move in together. Tom and I have been dating for a month and I've been spending more time at this house than at my own!"

"Slow down, let's get a few things correct," Makayla sets her drink on the counter, turning to face me. "Number one, you and Tom have known each other for a few years. There is nothing wrong with the two of you moving as fast as you are. Number two; Stop comparing your relationship to mine and Elena's. All it's going to do is reinforce your heartbreak and cause you to be miserable. Number three; Mine and Jacob's sex life has nothing to do with you two. If we're active, then so be it."

"You two have fucked!" Elena teases before nudging her shoulder and then turning back to me. "She has a point, Z. The more you compare your relationship to those around you, the more doubts you're going to have."

"He's talking about having kids. Or having dreams where we're married and having kids. I'm not ready for that kind of stuff, but I pretended to be okay with it!" I protest and both the girls share looks before I hear the familiar creak in the floorboards of the living room.

"So, that's why you've been avoiding me?" Tom questions with a frown on his face as he comes into the kitchen with Jacob and Sam right behind him. Both of the boys looked like they had just seen a ghost, neither of them speaking as they moved to stand near their girlfriends. "I thought we agreed to be honest with each other, Zendaya. You've never lied to me before, so what has changed? I thought that everything was going okay between us."

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