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I wasn't sure what had gotten into me yesterday. I was so dominate, it was unlike me to be that sex crazed, but I know I loved it. Being in power, being the one in charge, knowing I was making her feel so good made me feel good. Seeing her squirm under my body and under my touch, it sent this new strange feeling through my body, and I liked it.

I watch her eyes roll back as I tighten my grip around her neck gently. I thrust my hips into hers in a steady rhythm, feeling my climax rise with every push into her. She tightens around me and throbs, indicating that she had come again under my touch.

"Hey man, are you good?" Jacob asks, handing me a can of Coca-Cola.

I shiver as I cum inside her. I rest on top of her for a moment, feeling the two of us connected on a deeper level that most only experience after having done the deed. I let myself relax in her arms as she pulled me closer to her, her breathing rapid as though she had run a marathon.

I nod, taking the drink from him. The crisp sound of the can opening fills the silence. I take a sip of the cold beverage, looking back into my friends eyes, "I'm great."

Memories of last night's events continue to replay in my mind as I take a deep breath.

"I love you." She whispers as she plays with my hair. My eyes were closed and I was laying back against the pillow with her resting beside me. I sleepily wrap my arms around her as she continues to trace different shapes on my chest. I breathe slowly and quietly, almost as though I am asleep. I don't even know if she knows I'm awake. I chose to surprise her.

I mumble, whispering back,"I love you, too."

"McKayla and I are going to a movie on Saturday, if you're interested in joining us? You and Zendaya, I mean." He takes a drink of his coke as we walk together back to the meeting room. We were having another script reading meeting today to make sure we had all of our lines or added lines down, to make the next scene we were going to film perfect.

"That would be great." I grin, "Zendaya and I haven't really been to a movie since the last one we all went to together."

"I remember that one vividly." Jacob fake shutters as I punch his arm playfully, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "I'm just teasin'."

"Do you think we are going to shoot this final scene today too or is it just the reading?" I ask, honestly forgetting what we were doing today.

"Just the script reading, I think we are filming next week." Jacob gets to the door before me, "I am so excited for filming, but I am still sad that the movie is already almost over for us."

"Me too," I reply, the realization that I wouldn't see Zendaya on a daily basis at work makes my heart skip a beat. I know I'd still see her, but I wouldn't get to see her nearly as much as I have been. The thought of that stings as Jacob opens the door.

My eyes scanned the room, the long table had a script at every table space. I look around for Zendaya, the moment I spot her my shoulders relax as I walk over to sit beside her. I look around the table at everyone else and nod a hello before taking my seat. Jacob sits to my left shortly after and nudges me with his foot.

"Don't forget to ask Zendaya about Saturday." He whispers, nodding in her direction.

"I will after the reading." I whisper back just as the door shuts to the meeting room. We all look in the direction of the director as he makes his way to his seat.

"Good morning, everyone." He flashes a smile as he takes a seat, "Today we are reviewing the final scene to Spider Man Far From Home." A few of the other actors and actresses begin to clap and hoot excitedly until he raises his hands to quiet them down, "However this is not the end of the series. Please keep that in mind." A few more claps as he continues, "Everyone should have a script ready in front of them with their parts highlighted. Let's begin!"

Friends With Benefits {Tomdaya AU}Where stories live. Discover now