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Before you read the chapter, please note that there are mentions of some smut... you've been warned. - N



Tom: *video attached*

Tom: Jacob was dared to drink like 5 shots xD

Tom: I hope you guys are having fun.

Tom: I miss you.

I send the texts and slip my phone back into my pocket. I shouldn't be texting Z because I know it's strictly girls night and guys night tonight, but I couldn't help myself. I wonder what they could be up to? Probably doing their nails or something girly like that.

I laugh at my non sober thoughts and look back to Harrison and Jacob. Jacob was extremely focused on the screen in front of him, leaning so far forward he would fall if he weren't paying attention. Harry tapped the buttons nonchalantly as his character quickly whipped Jacob's. Tonight, Mortal Kombat was not Jacob's top game.

"How are the girls doing?" Jacob asks, not moving his eyes off the screen as round 2 begins between Scorpion and Sub Zero. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, not realizing that he had noticed that I was texting her during our guys night.

"She didn't respond." I shrug, "Guess they are having too much fun."

"Probably. Mckayla has been talking about tonight for the last week. Something about making Tik Toks and watching movies, drinking, baking cookies." He trails off, slightly sluring his words. After a few moments of silence he continues, "I really like her, man."

I smile as Harrison pauses the game and looks over at us, deciding to join the conversation. "I couldn't tell with how y'all can't seem to keep your hands off of each other."

"We know you really like her, dude." I chuckle and give Harry a look as if to tell him telepathically to stop teasing our friend. He raises his hands up in response and laughs with me just as I decide to also had a teasing remark, "Besides, if you didn't I don't think you would have told her you loved her the other night."

"Ooooo," Harrison slugs Jacob's shoulder playfully. "You finally said the most important words."

"Shut up, it's not like I'm planning on proposing just yet." Jacob shoots him a look. "We aren't moving as fast as some people in the room." I feel eyes back on me as I gulp down the remainder of my alcoholic mixture, whiskey and coke.

I stand up with my empty cup in hand and look down at the two men on the ground, "We aren't moving fast. We've been together longer than ya'll think and I think you already knew that."

I wink at Jacob before making my way to the kitchen. I hear the word "bro" and "I know" behind me as I open the fridge to grab the coke bottle and whiskey bottle. I pour my drink and make my way back to my brother and best friend.

"Besides, our relationship isn't as far along as Harrison's and Elena's are. If we really want to talk about the length of our relationships." I look over at Harry, "When do you plan on proposing to her? I swear you mentioned popping the question soon last week."

His cheeks turn pink and his eyes light up at the mention of his girlfriend, "Soon. You'll both know soon. Speaking of, I might actually need your guys' help but we can get together for that another time."

"Are there going to be mini Harrisons and Elenas soon then too?" Jacob pouts, "I feel so behind. I can't wait until we get married and have kids." He leans forward and snags my cup from me the moment I sit back down on the couch. Before I can complain, he takes a swig out of my cup and hands it back to me. Half of the drink is already gone.

Friends With Benefits {Tomdaya AU}Where stories live. Discover now