chapter 16

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"Alyssa, we all know your here come on out" Dallas shouts. 'Shit' I think to myself.

Just then I am grabbed by the arm and lightly pulled out from behind the tree. My hiding spot.
"So pretty lady, where are you heading on this fine day?" Dallas asked me with a smirk.

I shook my head in disapproval with the slightest of smiles. "I told you I was getting water"

"The river is way back there and plus I could practically feel the wave of emotions u have all the time. I am your mate Alyssa, you can't lie to me." He reassured me.

I groaned why does he have to know everything? This made him smile cockly. His ego is way too high for my liking.

"I wanted to explore, stretch my legs, be a woman" I stated like I was in a presidential election with my fist pounding the air.

His eyes were full of amusement as he eye rapped me. "Alyssa, come on now I know your lieing.... where are you going?" He responded "what are you hiding?"

he's on to me... or wait does he have me?

I'm so fucked.

I swallowed hard and my hands started to get sweaty. I know he can see this but he doesn't act on it for some reason.

He narrows his eyes at me. I could practically see the light bulb in his head as he got an idea. He stepped closer to me. He took another step, another, and another. We were faced to face now and his warm breath fanned my whole face, it sent shivers down my spine. My breathe hitched as he leant down so we were eye level. Love in his eyes.

My eyes closed automatically and waited for the gental touch of his soft lips. But it never came. Instead he touched my nose with his index finger while he chuckled to himself. I hear more chuckles and giggles from the side of me where the group was standing.

I felt an unwanted blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks. "You're just too cute, Alyssa" once again, his ego is way to high for my liking.

"You're such a douche" I mumbled. He clenched his chest in mock hurt.

"All I wanted to know was where you were going. Is that so much to ask for? I'm worried Alyssa.Sam is missing and I don't want you to go missing too. I love you Alyssa" he said with love in his eyes.

I awed at him. At how much he cares. "I love you too, Dallas" I mumbled to him once again.

"Then tell me where you were going, please" he replied with pleading eyes that left my heart aching.

"As much as I want to, I just can't Dallas"his face dropped along with his shoulders.

"Why not Alyssa?" He asked hurt.

I grumbled, "this voice in my head told me to come to the edge of the forest in order to get Sam back and I didn't want anybody to get hurt so I came by myself and,and I'm so sorry. I just want my brother back." I sobbed whipping the lone tear off of my face.

I looked up to Dallas and into his eyes. All of his emotions were whirling in his big eyes. Hurt, anger, joy, scared and some others that I can't seem to recognise.

Dallas takes a deep breath and stars walking in the direction of the edge of the forest. The rest of the group follows after him as if on command.

I quickly run to catch up to Dallas as he strides across the forest floor in giant steps. A couple minutes go by and we reach the edge of the forest. Nobody is here.

"Sa-" I call out but was interrupted by people marching out of the trees around us. There were at least 50 people/ wolves. This is definitely the pack.

We take our attacking positions, ready for anything. Wolves in our group behind us shifts ready to attack.

"You don't want to do that" a familiar voice sounds throughout the forest. The pack people make a pathway as a man moves through it.

A man pushes Sam onto his knees. "Sam" I start running to him but I am quickly stopped by dallas's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Alyssa don't do it" Sam said aloud.

"Oh shut up already" the man said annoyed.

"What do you want?" I asked while squinting my eyes. He chuckled in his deep voice that can give little kids nightmares. He stars taking long strides towards our group threateningly. While Dallas steps in front of me productively.

"Why I want you my dear Alyssa" my heart clenched in fear. Why does he want me?

"Over my dead body" Dallas proclaimed while clenching his fists at his side.

"That can be arranged" the man replied with a smirk. As clique as it sounded, It sent shivers down my spine.

All of a sudden, his army ran towards us as did our group to them. You practically feel the pain in the yelps that echoed through the air.

Two huge wolves ran at high speed to attack Dallas and I. Dallas turned to me quickly and put his hand on my shoulder and closed his eyes tight. I could feel the shift of energy spreading through my body.

All at once everyone stopped dead in the middle of the fight and looked around. As I'm guessing, they too felt the shift of energy.

Then the army of wolves lifted from the ground into the middle of the air. Sounds of yelps and whimpers went through the air from the pack wolves in the air.

Cracks and snaps was all you could hear now as their bones snapped and one by one they fell limp to the forest floor.

I stood wide eyed at what I had witnessed in front of me. Dallas opened his eyes and took his hand off my shoulder with a weak look in his eyes.

I felt weak as did Dallas and the rest of the group. 'what in the bloody he'll just happend?'I asked myself.

Cliff hangerrrr

Dun dun dun :)

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