chapter 7

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I'm probably gonna make this chapter longer than just one page so be happy.

Alyssa's P.O.V.

...once all of the guards were on the floor passed out cold we all took a key from each guard so that they couldn't escape from this room. we ran to the door again and it finally opened. this door lead to the outside then.

I rushed out the door with everyone very close behind. I yelled out to the vamps hiding in the forest, "EVERYONE RUN." they all got up and ran the opposite direction of me, except Shelia and Dallas. they ran to me and when I saw they were coming to me, I lead Demi, her 'friend', and his friend to them and from there we all ran together.

we stopped after we were sure nobody was following or watching is anymore. I told my little group of Dallas, Shelia, Demi, her 'friend', and his friend, "split up and go see if everyone is ok and I'll go hunt for food for everyone." they all nodded and turned away then to go and do what I told them to.

I took off into the forest to hopefully go find some deer or little rabbits or something with blood going through its veins. I suddenly heard a twig snap and my head jerked towards the sound.

"Hey sweet thing" a shadow emerged from behind a tree then as I jumped back at his voice. a deer to my left then frolicked away into the misty darkness of the forest. I mentally cursed the shadowed person. "did I scared you sweety?" I hissed at him and he came into the moon light so I could see his face now.

he had blond almost white (just like mine), short hair which his bangs were up in a spike. his hazel eyes complimented his hair so well along with his fair skin. he showed his paste white fangs that glistened in the moonlight. he was definitely a full grown vampire. I had just finished my transformation into a full grown vampire a couple weeks ago.

"I'm here to help with your escape from your little prison" he told me solemnly. "h-how..." I stuttered stupidly. "you'll find out soon enough, now come on we need to get some food for your little friends."

how did he know what was happening right now? Was he spying on us? who was he? all these questions were going through my head, I went on finding food for everyone.

about an hour later, we had tons of rabbits, deer and other animals with delicious blood. we walked back to the camp grounds with loads of dead animals on our backs. I don't know why but I kind of trust this guy that randomly popped up in a forest. that made me think... I don't even know his name. "Oh yea...what's your name?" I asked with a tiny bit of nervousness in my voice.

"Samuel, Sam for short", he says as he smiles.

"and I'm guessing already know my name?"

"of course, if I didn't know your name I most likely won't be out here right now."

"Good point" I said nodding my head.

we get to the camp ground and everyone is talking quietly to one another. we came to the edge of people and dropped all of the corpse onto the ground. everyone's eyes met the animal's cold and empty eyes but they most definitely did not feel bad for what they were about to do to them.

Me and Sam had to hold them back for a minute as all of their fangs were out, but I wasn't even fazed by it. I knew they were all starving. after that me and Sam passed animals out to every single person so they could drink it up or in the werewolves position eat the meat. the witches fed off of the energy of vampires or werewolves as all they need is energy. I mean they don't want to eat raw meat or drink blood they would get sick. but they could go at least a day without food.

I also drank up, as I sunk my tiny daggers into the soft flesh of the little rabbit in my hands my headache started to go away. I had gotten a headache when I met Sam and we went hunting. the blood made my cheeks pop out like a regular person's instead of my cheeks that had caved in from the lack of blood.

"everyone good?" I said after everyone was done with their own animals.

"mmhmmm" everyone said at the same time. it was obvious that everyone wanted me to just shut up but it would be rude to say since I'm the one who freed them.

"Good, you might wanna huddle together tonight it's gonna get cold." Me, Shelia, Emma and her doll, plus Dallas all huddled together under a tree with the cold grass rubbing against our backs and necks. Me and Dallas eventually cuddled that night as Shelia and little Emma cuddled to get warm. Sam was off cuddling with a small group of girls (of course).

I couldn't sleep at all that night and while everyone else was sleeping I was up thinking of where we were gonna go. Dallas apparently wasn't sleeping either so he was just staring into my eyes while I was staring up to the sky through the leaves. I smiled at him when I caught him looking and said, "hey"

"hi there" he said in a hushed voice, "can't sleep?"

"no you?"

"nope" he said as he sighs.

he holds me tighter and puts his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply and exhaling. I pressed up against him then, I've been waiting for this even since I've met him. I smiled at my thoughts. he looked up and saw my smile he smiled back and said, "why are u smiling?"

"Dallas your so cute" I reached my finger up and tapped his nose lightly.

I settled my head on his chest once again, he felt like the most comfortable pillow in the universe. he kissed my forehead slightly and my eyelids began to become heavy with sleepiness. I eventually dozed off into the same dream I kept having but there was more this time.

i was in the middle of a meadow with a bunch of black roses. as i was looking at the flowers i heard a twig snap. i hissed and extended my fangs looking around for the person or animal i can sink my teeth in. i went on my hands and knees so the animal/human couldn't see me when i sneak up on it. i heard laughter i stood up stunned by what i saw when i got up and saw Dallas. he was holding a rabbit in his mouth with its blood dripping down his chin and onto the black roses on the ground. he put the rabbit on the ground with the black roses all around the newly killed rabbit. when i was looking at the rabbit he must have ran away cause i looked up with my vision going blurry he was...gone....... as my vision got blurred and blurred even more more by the minute I eventually passed out onto the black roses. when I woke up I was in a mansion it looked like.... wait WHATTT?????

why was I in a mansion?

how did I get here?


Who brought me here?


who's mansion is it?


and lastly... WHY AM I HERE????????????

one movement caught my eye as it looked like a person behind a light which was so bright my eyes watered. "Who are you and why am I here?" he laughs and then sighs. it sounded so much like.... Dallas! "oh sweety I'm not going to hurt you so calm down." he said that as I tensed at his voice....his deep dark voice that was oh so sexy....wait what am I doing. am I really thinking this?

Yes I really was thinking that because it was true. "I just wanted you to myself Alyssa, is that so hard to get?" he said hurt dripping from his tongue.

he came over to where I was strapped down to the comfy cushioned chair and unhooked me from the straps and kissed my forehead. chills ran up my spine as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up from under my white hair.

he took my hand so he could help me stand up because the light had blinded me for a minute. I turned to him and he crashed his lips to mine and suddenly we were on the cold floor with him on top of me straddling me down. kissing me fiercely from my lips to my neck. then I woke up

let me know if I did good :)

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