chapter 13

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I slowly but surely open my eyes to see that nobody noticed that I have awoke.

I try to speak but nothing comes out. I dryly cough to get my voice going. Everyone hears me and turns to face me. Dallas comes pushing through the crowd that is now surrounding me.

"Babe your awake" you could see the dry tears on his face. You could also hear the stress leaking from his voice as he spoke his magical words. I felt so bad for leaving him out of the blue like that but you can't change the past right?

"Your heart stoped for like 5 minutes. How are you still alive?" He asks me.

"I'll tell you later" I assured him with a smile.

He smiled back at me but his eyes were full of love and sadness for me leaving him. I mean I died, my heart stoped beating for 5 minutes. If that happened to him I would be a wreck too. Anybody would.

After everybody found out that I was back out of my unconsciousness, almost everything was back to normal. When I say almost, I mean that Sam was acting extremely distant and weird. Like something tragic happened when I was gone.

Ever since I came out of my unconsciousness he went into the woods with a dazed look in his eye. He's been gone for about 15 maybe 20 minutes and he isn't back yet.

What if the wolves found him?

What if they killed him or kidnapped him?

Maybe it was to lure me in!

So many things went through my head and they stuck there. Me trying to clear it was like finding a needle in a haystack, impossible. I had to find my brother. I need to find out what is bothering him and why he is acting this way.

To say I was worried was an understatement. It is 10 minutes later and I can't find him anywhere. Why did I let him go, when I just got him? He was my only family.

"Sam, come back" I whispered with a sob escaping from my mouth.

So sorry for not updating in a freaking month!!! Ik ik, you probably hate me but I also updated my 2nd book so there u go :)


Baiii for now!!

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