The Start Of A New War

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After my birthday party the next day, Bruce suggested that we sound proof the wall's in the tower. Thor was proud of us and I was completely embarrassed. Tony luckily didn't hear anything, with his room being down the hall and above, in his penthouse suite. He was grateful to know he couldn't hear it. But he agreed figuring everyone deserved their own privacy. I never stopped getting picked on by Nat about it though, seeing as her room was right next to mine.

A little over a year had passed since my birthday. I was 20 and Thor and I spent almost everyday together. After getting back on his father's good grace's he had to return every now and again to Asgard. But, it was really was not so bad seeing as we could talk in our mind's. Which was fantastic, because separation was hard on both of us, so we never stayed away from each other for long. It was like the longer we were together the stronger our bond grew. But it made us physically ache to be apart.

Everyone was on great terms, including the whole team and Loki. He had been allowed out of his cuffs which was amazing and made training my abilities so much easier. Loki did choose not to come on most of our missions because he enjoyed the solitude of the tower. He was free to come and go as he pleased after a while. Though he was still supposed to return at night.
One day, I had received a very strange message from Loki.

    "My dearest Amara. You've done well, opening up your power's and you've almost reached your full potential. I must let you know that I have come across something. I must follow this path as it's my destiny to a better future. I am unsure of the outcome, but please know that if you have not heard from me within three day's time... Well, you'll find out like we talked about. Just know I love and adore you very much."

    "What? What are you talking about Loki? Come across what?" I asked worriedly and he didn't reply. "Loki, please. Please answer me." I waited again and nothing happened. I tried to reach out again but the connection felt off.

    "Thor." I said as I shook him slightly in our bed. He rolled over and looked up at me. Giving me his usual grin and it quickly faded away seeing my expression.

    "What is it, Amara? What's wrong?"

    "It's Loki. He said he came across a new path and he's not sure where it will lead. But if I don't hear from him again in three day's time, then he'll be..." I choked on my word's not wanting to think about what he meant.

Even though I knew exactly what he was saying. That he might die and I'd lose him. Thor sat up and held me close to him.

    "I'm sure Loki will be fine, my love. He's Loki. He pretend's to die and it end's up that really he's not dead." Thor said with a soft smile as he ran his finger's through my hair. I sniffled quietly and looked up at him in hope's that he was right.

A few day's past and I still couldn't connect to him. I suddenly felt a break in our connection. I clutched my head and my heart, everything felt heavy. It was a feeling that Loki had described to me before during our training's, though to be honest I thought it would have been a lot worse. But it was still one of my worst nightmare's. Loki was dead and I felt it.

Thor and I mourned our loss after confirming the body was found an brought back to Asgard. We spent a few day's in bed, I was crying, Thor was upset for the loss of his brother. But unfortunately being who were are and doing what we do, didn't allow for us to stay in bed for long. We stuck close together and held on to each other for support.

Another year had passed. It was a crazy two years for us all. Thor and I had been together officially for two years. It was 2015 and I was finally 21.

We were all really busy because we were chasing down Hydra agent's, in search for Loki's scepter that had been taken. Shield was destroyed, Steve had become a fugitive for a while after he moved to Washington D.C. Because Shield had been secretly infiltrated by Hydra. They even 'killed' Nick Fury, though we quickly found out he wasn't actually dead. After Steve cleared his name to the company. He and Natasha and their new friend Sam Wilson, took down Shield and Hydra, leading to all hell breaking loose. Which led to the missing scepter. Hydra had gone underground so we'd been trying to track them and take them all down.

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