"few months later"

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—-----------------------------------(few months later)----------------------------------------

Panic's POV:

I take a deep breath as it's been nearly 2 months. I looked outside of my and Hermes' apartment and grumbled as Apollo, being a bully, parked his sun chariot outside again, making it hot like summer in this area of Olympus.

Around a month of me being pregnant, Hermes' idiot older brothers who don't like Greek imps have been trying to make my pregnancy as hard as they can on me so the baby can't really develop...one way of which is messing with my body temperature using Apollo's sun chariot...

HOWEVER I can't help but grin as I watch from inside Hera and Artemis fuming mad and force Apollo and his chariot back to his area of Olympus.

I laugh as I remember when the gods and goddesses that didn't hold any grudge against me and Pain for the titan accident all agreed: keep Ares and Apollo, Hecate and for some reason Aphrodite away from me and Pain.

"You know~ mama can't wait to see you~" I coo to my baby pump as I rub it.

I feel me and Hermes' area of Olympus cool down to normal temperature as Hera forced Apollo to Park the sun chariot where all the other chariots are.

I hear Artimist open the door to the apartment, with a worried and apologetic expression.

"Panic honey? Y'all right? Sorry bout my brother again..." she says sadly in her southern accent.

"Yeah I'm fine since half of Olympus and Zeus told him and Ares to knock it off. It happens at least once or twice a week" I wave my hand playfully.

"Want some ambrosia? Hestia made me some ambrosia brownies, I don't mind sharing. She did say that it's organic.. " I invited my sister-in-law to sit.

Artemis laughs as she comes in and sits down in the living room, she knows I'm not a fan of Hestia's organic cooking but when Hermes' aunt found out I was pregnant she has been sending me and Hermes lots of Olympus and Underworld style food.

"She has been busy in the kitchen? huh?~" she asks playfully as I bring her some nectar as well.

"Yep I seriously regret letting Hermes tell her I was having cravings..." I grin as I sit down on the couch as I set the brownies and nectar down.

I will admit I have been craving a lot of Olympus style of food but I have been eating a few Underworld style food.

"Can I touch it before it's daddy shows up~" Artemis asks as she points to my baby bump.

"Sure the daddy gets very jelly when someone touches his baby bump~" I laugh as Hermes is a pouty baby whenever someone touches my tummy now.

I lean back and lift my maternity dress to show my tummy, Artemis smiles as she rubs the baby bump, then I feel something kick her hand.

"Ooohhhh~ I felt a kick" Artemis coos as she rubs my belly more.

I laugh as the baby kicks her again "according to your mom and my dad the baby is at 5 month development now~"

Artemis nods "Yeah they were telling me how Greek imp pregnancies work, good food intake, and mental state means your pregnancy is at the typical 4-5 months right?"

"Yep~ OOF?! Hey, be nice in there!~" I laugh when the baby kicks me hard, and I rub my tummy.

Artemis smiles as she keeps rubbing my stomach "have you and my brother thought of any names for the baby or babies yet?"

I shake my head "Greek imp's usually name their kids after the feelings they felt when pregnant or during delivery. or just whatever feeling the baby shows or causes when its born...and that can take a week or two"

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