Your mine~

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Hermes' POV:

It was a lovely day here in Athens and I'm just flying by the forest by the entrance to the underworld as I just finished my daily deliveries for the gods and goddess on Olympus and some deliveries to some monsters.

And just as I was minding my own business flying though the gloomy woods, I suddenly heard something that made me come to a halt as I hear a lovely song being sung by a watering hole with a waterfall.

~the song~

One two three, the flowers are free.~

Here I am, washing the dust off me.~

The trees are dancing in the wind~

Here I am, here I am washing the dirt away~

The water may be cold,~

But the fire in my heart.~

Keeps me warm~

I'm just a small imp, with a big heart~

I'm the son of a god, and a titan/imp hybrid~

Here I am~

The greek imp of panic~


~end of song~

I peek around to see and I found one Hades imps Panic, now humming as he washes some soot off of his arms. Hades must have blown a fuse again, then again where's Pain?

I really couldn't didn't pay much attention because I was just busy watching Panic wash himself. Watching his hips move and his tail sway as he went under the waterfall to rinse off the soap on his body, and how gorgeous he looked right now, I kinda actually have to talk to him...

but knowing Panic he'll run off before I can talk.. Especially after what happened after the Titan accident.

Panic's POV

I sighed and gently scrubbed some soap off my body, the boss blew a fuse at me and Pain and had accidentally hurt Pain so the boss told me to go clean up at the bathing pool, while he heals up Pain.

I sighed as I gently rubbed/scrubbed my tail and wings, then I went under them.

I'll be honest, I'm rarely relaxed and right now I'm so relaxed that I didn't see or feel something or someone was watching me or right behind me.

The next thing I knew a hand covered my mouth and held my hands behind my back, and someone said "ssshhh babe your save"

before I blacked out....

Hermes' POV

I Smiled as I finished tying up Panic with some vines, I kinda felt bad that I tied him up and that I startled him to the point he fainted. I took a cloth and tied it around Panic's head, gagging him as I know he'll yell or freak out when he wakes up.

That and that if my brothers find out Panic is on Olympus...well I don't wanna think about that..

I then scooped up my new love interest, and took off to my home on Olympus where Me and my new roommate will be for a while...

~time skip~

I landed at my home and entered the 'house' like an apartment on Olympus. I layed the unconscious imp who was now gagged and tied up in my cloud bed.

"you might be hungry when you wake up..." I whisper to the unconscious imp as I flew off to get some food.

But before I left, I put a magical seal to be sure that when Panic woke up he wouldn't leave the bed, as I don't want him to get hurt.

Panic's POV

I woke up on a cloud bed.

"I must have fainted..." I groaned to myself as I noticed I was tied and gagged.

I wiggled and squirmed to try and loosen the vines that bonded my legs and hands, then I used my tail to remove the gag on my mouth and to loosen the vines.

Once I got free I tried to get off the bed but couldn't like I was a bubble, I grumbled and crossed my arms annoyed.

"a seal? seriously?" I said as I looked around.

"Where am I?" I whisper as I shiver, then I wrap one of the blankets that was on the bed around me, as I was still wet from my bath in the watering hole.

Then I hear some wings flapping coming at the doorway to the room.

"Oh? hey~ babe, you're up~" a familiar small light blue god says as he enters the room with a tray.

And I was shocked at who I was.



end of chapter one

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