"In a wolf's den..."

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Heads up some nsfw ahead viewers under 18 please skip this if your not  into that


Hermes's POV:

I had to go back to work as some more mail needed delivery, but just as I was about to leave.

me and Panic were told to report to my parents right away.

"So dad, what did you want to talk to us about?" I was worried as it was weird Panic was standing a bit behind me.

"Well Hermes...do you remember Hecate the goddess of magic and the night?" my pops tells us.

"Yeah '' I answer and then I notice Panic hide behind me scared at the mention of Hecate.

"Well did you know she's your Uncle Hades enemy?" my mother questions me.

I freeze. I met Hecate. She seemed nice...but then again she did try and take the underworld from my uncle...twice.

"Well son She now knows about Panic being here on Olympus and wants revenge as he and his brother helped defeat her with Hercules." mom continued to explain.

"So she also wants revenge on Pain but Pain is safe as Pegasus lives with Hercules, Hecate would be a dumb to attack Pain if both or at least one of them are around either Pegasus or Hercules" dad states while looking worried.

"However.. we don't know about Panic due to he is on Olympus, and considering Ares and Apollo's behavior, we're worried about Hecate tricking a olympian into giving her Panic" mom explains unsure, I look at Panic with worry about what will happen to my mate if Hecate or her winged wolfs get a hold of him.

Panic whimpers and touches his stomach.

"So till we find out what Hecate wants, Nemesis has stepped up and will be watching/guarding Panic when you're gone with your mail runs" Dad explains

"We'll do everything in our power to keep Panic safe, at the moment all the olympians who hold no grudges for the titan accident are doing their best to keep a eye out for Hecate so we can try and stop her before she does something" mom reassures us with a smile.

Panic looks at me worried but smiles softly and tries to make me smile because he knows I have to go do my job.

I nod and I really hope he will be okay as well.... Nemesis is known as the goddess of revenge for a reason....

Panic's POV:

Hermes left 2 hours ago to do his job to do mailing.

Also despite her appearance Nemesis is actually nice and surprisingly gentle...she also stuck at a reasonable distance.

I smiled as Hermes had gone and got me some fabric for me to make things for the babies like: blankets, plushies, and clothing to keep them warm as baby human like monsters or greek imps like me can't regulate our temperature when babies well, so we put our babies in clothing to keep them warm till they can.

I wasn't that bad at sewing so it wasn't hard at all for me, but trying to sew sleepers for a baby you don't know if it would be a godling or impling as hard.

I also just had enough fabric left over to make Hermes a scarf...but I felt like something or someone that wasn't Nemesis was watching me.

"Hello imp~..." I recognized that voice and screamed after turning around and then I saw one of Hecate's winged wolves: Havoc the winged wolf.

I beat him with a staff to protect Pokey's mother and Pain when Hecate tried to take over the underworld the first time.

Havoc snarls then pounces. Off the wall I managed to dodge as Nemesis ran in at my scream and started to fight the winged wolf.

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