hello my sweet baby and what's next

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Hermes' POV:

I flew as fast as I could throughout olympus till I got to my mom and dad's palace like home.

I find my mom looking through a orb phone probably checking in with Pegasus or Hercules. I could hear Hercules saying more like panicky asking mom things "what should we do?!" or "is it normal?!".

I flew up to her "Mom! I need you, something is wrong with Panic!"

"Hold on Hermes...Hercules deep breaths now listen to me: tell Alcmene to boil some water, and tell Phil and Amphitryon to get the birthing pen ready, and tell Meg to gather some blankets and other soft but old stuff to use as bedding and to help keep baby warm, keep trying to get a hold of River if she can't make it, then it's up to Alcmene's demi-human midwife lessons River had been giving her, her and Hippocrates will be there as soon as the bridge is repaired, I must go." with that mom hangs up and looks at me.

"What is it Hermes? What is wrong with Panic?" Mom looks at me worried.

I pant as I started to use a lot of my magic to fuel my sandals so I'm abit winded

"Panic...." I take a deep breath...

"Panic...He's having a bad braxton hick..but we don't think it is just a braxton hick!..." I worriedly yell.

Mom looked at me with just as much worry and fear as I felt, she quickly got up and was gathering some stuff "first Pain... Now Panic?! Oh this evening is going to be a eventful one"

"Why what was wrong with Pain?" I ask as mom rushes out with the stuff she needs in a bag.

"He went into labor about a hour ago, but a flying transport accident by the bridge that leads to your brothers houses, it got destroyed in the accident and in need of repair as a result of said accident River and Hippocrates can't make it across to help Pain...Pegasus wants to be their for his baby's birth so he can't fly over and get the doctor or the female centaur" she explains as she rushes towards me and Panic's place.

"That explains abit an-" just as we were rushing towards my home we heard Panic scream in a way I never heard or wanna hear again...


Me and mom sprint faster and I whip open the door, to see Panic taking deep shaky breaths, tears starting to form from the pain, holding the countertop ledge with hand, with his other hand holding the baby bump, his legs were buckling again and that's when I saw it...a puddle of fluids mixed with ichor a unique blood us immortals have on the floor.

Fear crept up inside me as I rushed to his side as mom quickly called some help via her orb phone.

"His water broke...I'm going to be a father! NOW!" I scream to myself.

Panic's POV:

"Dear gods and goddesses, and titans on Olympus and Tartarus! It hurts!" I scream in my mind as I get hit by another contraction.

I hear the door get whipped open and see Hermes with Hera rushing in, Hermes rushes to my side as Hera seems to be calling someone.

"Zeus, I need the girls NOW! What do you mean they're dealing with their brother's antics?! What about our sisters?! Demeter is visiting Hades and Persephone? No I can't ask Persephone to come up, remember she said if the boys can't see Hades or visit the underworld during their 'pregnancies' she won't see them to make it fair! Hestia is free?! And popo's wife call them and tells them to come to Hermes' home now! Panic is in labor! NO we both know Aphrodite won't help she hates greek imps! Yes I called Hades to let him know now GO HELP GET THAT BRIDGE FIXED SO RIVER CAN HELP PAIN!!" Hera was arguing with Zeus and scrabbling to get a hold of some help when I heard hobbled running over.

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