"I might be with child and its your's..."

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Hermes's POV:

I open my eyes to see Panic laying next to me, the memories of last night go through my head.

"Did I actually had sex with Panic?!" I scream at myself mentally, as I watch the Greek imp I grew up with shift in his sleep.

He stirs as I try to get up, but stays asleep.

''he wasn't kidding, heat sucks" I groaned softly as my body ached from last night.

"Panic....." I whisper softly into Panic's ear.

"I'll go get some breakfast ok....." and with that I kiss his forehead.

Then I got dressed, then flew out of my apartment, as the kitchen on Olympus is community use and anyone can use it.

I got some ambrosia muffins and nectar smoothies to go for us, with some bacon and eggs plus toast as well.

I put all the food in two take out bags and started to fly back to my apartment, only to bump into dad...Zeus.

"Hermes!~" he booms in his happy greeting, and wraps an arm around me.

"Just the god I was looking for~, I heard from your mother that you brought Panic on Olympus? Is it true?" he questions still in his happy tone.

I couldn't lie to my own dad "..y-yeah dad I did, why? she said I could".

That wasn't a lie either mom did say if I wanted to bring Pain and Panic on Olympus make sure that no other gods or goddesses see them as some may hurt the imps due to the titan accident.

My dad Just smiles proudly "Good, good..."

"Why are you asking?" I ask him to hold the food bags.

"because I just finished talking to your Uncle Hades about a punishment for Pain and Panic for turning your brother Hercules mortal". He states with a grin.

My blood ran cold as I was worried about Panic and Pain, I grew up with them. I hope that their punishment wasn't horrible, but why would dad be looking for me about it?

"And what's that dad? I ask curiously.

"Glad you asked, son!~" he grinned proudly.

"We decided that the punishment is that they must have a son of Zeus as their first mate for their harems, and those sons of Zeus are you and Pegasus" he slaps my back happily in a proud way.

He continued with a hand on my shoulder "I was originally going to have Ares or Apollo as the sons of Zeus that those two imps would get but your mother and sister said no, and showed me that Ares and Apollo would just abuse their imp 'wifes', and they said you and Pegasus were still single so this works perfectly~ "

My eyes widened at that, at the 'punishment' that Pain and Panic were going to  get.

"w-w-what?!?!" I stuttered, almost dropping the take out bags with me and Panic's breakfast.

"yup and I hope you two get along, very well~" he states proud as he always was.

He gives me a pat on the shoulder and he walks away.

I walk back to my room, looking extremely worried.

"How was I going to Panic about this?!" I told myself, worried about how my 'wife' was going to react.

Just as I got in and about to put the take out bags on the table, then I heard someone throwing up.

Panic's POV:

When Hermes left to get breakfast, my stomach was doing non stop flips, I then woke up and rushed to the bathroom as I felt something come up.

I quickly threw up into the toilet, and it was non stop for 15 mins.

"Please just stop..." I tell my nauseous stomach as another round of puke left me.

Then I hear the main door open, and the sound of something being put down on the table and someone walk to the bathroom.

"Panic are you okay?!" I hear Hermes' voice ask as he quickly puts down whatever he had brought for breakfast and runs to the bathroom.

I was going to answer only to feel more puke work its way up and I threw up again, I then felt Hermes' hand on my back rubbing it

"Are you okay babe?!" He asks with concern in his voice.

I nodded before I burped and threw up more. After 5 mins more of puking, I finally felt better in the stomach area.

"I..I feel okay...now" I stutter as I take the wet cloth Hermes gave me to wipe my mouth and 'flush' the toilet.

"You sure?" I blush as Hermes picks me up bridal style.

I just nod and rest my head on his chest as we leave the bathroom and he lays me in 'our' bed and gives me a cup of water, and a vase to puke in if I needed to

"Are you sick?" he asks as he sits on the bed.

I shake my head and sob as I just realized what was wrong...there was a reason Greek Imps go all night when in heat cycle.

"Panic please tell me....I won't be mad" Hermes speaks softly.

I look up with tears in my eyes "Hermes....."

I look at him dead in the eyes and sniffle "I'm pregnant...."

Hermes's POV:

"I'm pregnant....."

I look at him with a shocked expression "how?! I know you were in heat last night!? but how are you pregnant right after?!"

He whimpers and rubs his eyes "that's why Imps go all night so we can start development of the baby the next day! that's why I told you to pull out!"

He starts to cry "what am I going to tell dad....."

I watch Panic cover his eyes and sob "I'm not ready to start a harem...yeah I'm good with kids and babies but...".

I gently pulled Panic into a hug, and I felt him clinging to me as he sobbed "honestly you will have a good mate..."

I take a deep breath and decide to rip the bandage "I ran into dad when I was coming back from getting us breakfast, and he told me that he and Uncle Hades made a punishment for you and Pain for turning Hercules mortal".

he looks at me with fear in his eyes at the word 'punishment' as I continue "and it's that.. me and Pegasus are going to be your first mates in your harem...me with you and Pegasus for Pain"

I watch Panic's face go pale.

"W-w-What!?!?" he yells his eyes still full of tears, which spilled down his cheeks.

I rub his back, and kiss his forehead. "hey...like I said you'll have a good mate to help you with this harem, I don't know what the baby will look like, but I know one thing and that's I got you pregnant and I will be here for you every step of the way".

I snap my fingers and manifest our breakfast in our take out bags from the table, "here lets get something in your stomach so your not throwing up bile"

I feel Panic Nuzzle up to me and nibbles on a piece of toast.

"how about I go get you some herbs for your morning sickness" I tell him as I grab an ambrosia muffin.

Panic smiles and looks at me cutely, but also looks tired "in a bit, I'm still sleepy".

Panic's POV:

I yawn and watch Hermes lay down next to me, after he eats his muffin.

"Let's both, rest together for a bit" he kisses my lips  which makes me giggle and gently rubs my hips and kisses my neck.

"Hey you have to wait~" I giggle knowing what he really wants, as he smiles at me.

"but I love you~" he pouts like an upset child.

"Well... I'm not the one that got me pregnant" I nuzzled his chest and stripped him of his clothes and rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.

"I love you babe....." he whispers to me, an arm draped over my side spooning me.

"I love you too....babe..." I yawn and  with that we both fully fall asleep....

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