"Telling the parents"

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Hermes's POV:

I wake up and smile as Panic Nuzzles me in his sleep, we went back back to sleep for another hour.

"I'm going to be a father and think dad and mom should know.....but how do we tell them....." I think to myself, but I then Hear the main door slam open and some heavy footsteps running to me and now Panic's bedroom door.

I gasp in alarm and Panic bolts awake, when the door was knocked down, we both whipped our heads towards the door

"Hermes! you're being secretive to me and your brother! and we wish to know why!" Ares my older brother had kicked down the door with my other older brother Apollo standing right behind him, arms crossed.

Me and Panic went as pale as they were, as their faces at the sight of Panic in my bed, before I could say a word or Panic could react, Ares screamed in excitement, he then threw me aside and grabbed Panic and held him in his fist.

"Soooooo~ this is what your hiding one of the imps from the titan accident" and with that Ares ran out of my apartment with him.

"Mom and dad will be proud to see me and Ares beat him up in front of everyone" Apollo laughs and runs after Ares as he slams the door to my apartment.

I quickly get up and grab my toga, and towards my entrance door.

"WAIT! LET HIM GO!" I yell as I struggle to put on and button my toga.

Once my toga was on I flew out of my apartment, but I couldn't find Ares or Apollo nearby.

"Hang on Panic...I know where they're going but I know mom and dad aren't there." I whisper to myself and I fly towards the location on Olympus my parents are.

Panic's POV:

"Let me go!" I struggled to say as I felt like i was going to lose my voice from all the yeIling at Ares, Apollo got annoyed at me trying to yell for help that he tied a cloth around my mouth, and tied my hands together.

I squirm and wiggle trying to get out of Hermes's red skinned brother's grip as he kicks down the door to the meeting room, where all the meetings take place.

I saw all of the gods and goddesses there, some were shocked to see me but some were more surprised than angry.

"Dad, look what Hermes had in his room" I hear Ares yell as he slams me into the ground, I hear my back crack the second I hit the floor.

"It's one of the imps from the Titan attack~" Apollo states proudly.

I tried to stand up as I saw Zeus and Hera weren't there, then Apollo and Ares started to stomp on me and kick me.

"Oh well if dad isn't here, we'll give all you other gods and goddesses a public punishment for this imp" Ares declared as he kicked me in the ribs.

All in front of the other gods and goddesses, I let out a muffled scream in pain when Ares throws me into the wall.

"Does anyone want a hit in?!" He yells as blood seeps down my face, yes I can heal but if the damage is done by an immortal it takes longer for me to heal....

"Why are you here? Imp~..." sneers Apollo as he slams me to the floor again, my body goes limp as he kicks me in my side.

Before I couldn't see anything my vision was blurry from the head blows from the beating and my tears that were forming from the pain.

I heard someone, maybe Zeus, walking into the meeting room and yelling with horror and rage "ARES! APOLLO! STOP THIS NOW!!!"

And I hear someone cry "PANIC!!!" as I black out from a punch from Ares.

Hermes's POV:

I found mom and dad, then I told them what Ares and Apollo were going to do to Panic, and they instantly rushed with me to the meeting room.

I fly in just to see my 'wife' get punched out cold, dad grabs then throws my brothers across the room, while I run to Panic.

He wasn't moving, he had blood dripping from his mouth and head, bruises all colors were all over on Panic's cute form.

"Panic!! Babe say something!!" I manage to get out as I hold him as my mother comes running in with a blanket, water and a cloth, and a pillow.

While dad explained to everyone about why Panic was on Olympus, I wasn't listening as I was so mad.

I clenched my staff and threw it at my older brothers who were against the wall only missing their heads by an inch as my staff was between them both.

"Why...how...could you do...... this to a pregnant imp.." I snarl while everyone froze in horror.

My dad looks as mad as he did when Hercules was kidnapped, mom was shocked and more worried about Panic than ever. 

"h-h-he's pregnant" Apollo nervously says.

"we're dead....." Ares says going pale.

"Honey.. Take Panic back to Hermes' place, I'll deal with our idiot sons..." Dad states as tore them a new one.

while mom rushed Panic back to my apartment and started to work on healing him....

Panic's POV:

I wake up back in my and Hermes' bedroom, I touch my head to find it was bandage, my cuts on my arm were also bandage along with my chest for my ribs.

I manage to sit up to see Hermes asleep on my lap leaning from the side of the bed.

I look up to see Hera who smiles softly at me, I quickly touch my lower stomach.

"Don't worry dear, your baby is fine~" she soothes me and gently rubs my forehead before adding a cool cloth on my head.

I then hear the bedroom door open and Zeus enters with a tray of food "how long was I out for....." I looked at Hera a bit worried about how long I was out.

"oh about a day" she gently lays me back down.

Zeus looks at me and I feel scared, he knows about what me and Pain did to his son, the titan accident...I whimper as he reaches out to touch me.

And I feel a hand gently touch my head and rub my head between my horns.

"I'm not mad my boy, because why would I be? if you're the one that my son loves, and the one that will give me grandchildren" Zeus chuckles proudly.

I smile softly then I notice Hermes start to wake up...

Hermes's POV:

I open my eyes and see my love, up and awake gently rubbing my head.

"hey babe....." he smiles softly, I say nothing but I hug him tightly.

"I thought you were...and the little one" I sob as Panic just hugs me back.

"I'm ok Hermes, I'm Okay - -" I cut him off with a deep kiss.

he kissed me back just as deep, I noticed the tray of food and pulled away.

"my parents?" I ask as I look at the food tray which had:

Some Olympus style food and some surprisingly underworld style food.

"your parents" Panic responds then smiles at me.

"they told me you've been with me all day" Panic coos as he cups my face.

I blush as Panic kisses my cheek "your dad can't wait to be a grandfather"

"Now we have to tell my dad..." I laughed nervously because I knew my uncle would be either pissed that I took Panic, or happy that he will be a grandpa.......

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