"Cooking up a surprise"

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Panic's POV

I yawned as I woke up from a nap on Hermes' couch and noticed a note from Hermes about leaving for work on the coffee table, which was around noon when I knew he had to leave.

I softly smile at an idea of what to do while I wait for him to come back from work.

"Maybe I can make him a nice dinner~" I smirk as I slap my fist into my hand.

"....but what to make....." I then pouted, and headed to the kitchen.

Then I opened the fridge and saw Hermes had some: eggs, milk, cheese, some meat, a pitcher of nectar and some ambrosia muffins.

I then look at the counter and see some fruit in the bowl....

"man I didn't wanna go hunt...." I groaned to myself as I was still sore from the winged wolf accident...

if only Hermes knew but in the underworld, we had to hunt and scavenge for food in the forests of Greece and get the scraps of what the gods and goddesses got....

unlike Olympus who gets first dibs on meat and etc. "Hmmm... maybe I'll go get some fish and something"

I look down then smile softly and rub my belly "I bet you would like mama's cooking something for you and daddy~ underworld style~" I then grab my shopping basket and some rope.

Then I teleport myself to a field near a river, I then smirk as I stretch and I fly into the woods.

"Let's see what I can scavenge" I tell myself as I think about what to make for dinner.

—-----------------------------------------(few hours later)------------------------------------

I pouted as I was thinking which animals I could go after to kill.....because with Hermes being Artemis' little brother who is the goddess of hunting....yes she allows underworld beasts to hunt whatever due to the cycle of life thing.

But she did tell dad that underworld creatures like Greek imps, gorgons, and etc. go after sick or injured or disabled animals to keep the healthy ones safe and keep bad genes from affecting the good.

she even sends dad info on which animals not for us to hunt and not to hunt, but in turn she helps protect underworld creatures like: harpies, and etc. from hunters

"okay....I think I'll go to a butcher shop and get the stuff I need there..." I really don't wanna accidentally hunt the wrong animal as I didn't get the hunting scroll that we get to tell us what free game for us to hunt.

"Well I can get at least, but I can grab mushrooms and etc. Out here, hopefully Hermes doesn't come home early.." I say as I watch from the trees.

As a boar I was going to kill but didn't as I said before I didn't know if it was currently being protected, sniffing around for mushrooms and I waited for it to be full when it found a big one patch.

I found some edible mushrooms like: chanterelles, morels, I was lucky as I also found some truffles too.

and other edible wild plants and herbs like: dandelion, oregano, wild fennel, I started to pick and fill my basket with them.

"Ok that's the side dish, maybe if I can find some berries and honey for dessert?" I then look up and spot a beehive in a tree, I walk up to it.

"I wonder..." I whisper to myself as I remember getting honey with Pain and Neurosis:

It usually had one of us running from/distracting the bees while the other two got the honey and honeycomb. Of course we left enough for the bees by leaving some flowers for them to make more.

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