Chapter One

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Freshman Year

Hope POV
Today while I was talking to my Aunt Rebekah told me some news after hearing a weird sound while we were astral projecting, I'm pregnant. Of course the first time I have sex I get pregnant. It would explain why I've been throwing up a lot and I'm always tired and I've been super bloated lately, my Aunt Freya then joined the astral projectection to do a spell that tells me who the other parent is and how far along I am. My baby has three mothers, meaning Josie and Penelope both got me pregnant but I don't how I'm going to tell them especially since I barely get to spend time with them since they're always with their new friend Jade. It's like everytime we are together they wanna go out and have fun while I just want to stay in and watch movies, usually I'm always looking for fun with them but lately it doesn't feel right. I can always feel their disappointment and annoyance but now they're just distant, it's numbing. We haven't had sex since I started feeling nauseous all the time, they barely touch me now.
Anyways I'm on my way to Penelope's room to check in since I haven't seen her or Josie in a few days and tell them about the baby, it'll be like a surprise. I walked right into her room since the door is never locked but the second I opened the door my heart shattered....there were my girlfriends fucking Jade like there's no tomorrow. Tears were springing into my eyes when Josie noticed I was there, she stopped everything and covered herself as if I haven't seen her naked.

"Hope..." Josie announced causing Penelope to stop and look at me with regret, all of our eyes turned gold at this point and I felt something shift in the bond. My wolf was howling with sorrow in my mind and I was holding back tears.

"Don't, just don't." I choked before storming out, I didn't want to be anywhere near them. I can feel their emotions spiraling and it's way too overwhelming so I'm trying to ignore it. I went straight to my best friend's room since that's where I was supposed to be anyway. I knocked on the door and Lizzie opened it with a smile that turned into a frown after noticing my tears, she pulled me into the room and hugged me.

"Hope what's wrong?" she asked leading me to her bed so we could cuddle.

"They- they cheated on me Liz, after two years they cheated on me with the new girl. I can't believe this, we're supposed to be mates!" I sobbed into her shirt, she said a quick spell on the door to ensure no one could come in and silenced the room before looking at me.

"I'm going to kill them, I don't care if Josie is my sister." she threatened but I just shook my head and looked away.

"Don't kill them, you'll go to jail and never get to meet your niece or nephew." I confessed, Lizzie nodded then realized what I just said.

"Hope...are you pregnant?" she asked cautiously, all I could do was nod before sobbing again and she hugged me. This is worst night of my life!

"It's the whole reason I went to Pen's room tonight, to share the news. Obviously I didn't get the chance to tell them." I told her through my tears, she held me as we layed on her bed.

"So it's Josie's?" she implied, I nodded before dropping the next bomb.

"And Pen's, they're both the biological parents. My aunt did a spell that told me, it's probably a loophole through our mate bonds." I said through my sobs, Lizzie just held me tighter before speaking.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this okay. I'll help you the entire time if you don't want them involved or if they don't want to be involved." she told me trying to help but then I realized something.

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