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The sound of birds chirping outside the window, the sun shines itself, and the ray slipped it's way to y/n's window glass through the peek of the curtain.. the sound of people in the city busy with their morning activities and jobs. the young lady slept on her desk that was positioned in front of her window, she opens her eyes and yawned to start the morning

"hooaaaum.." she stretched her arms in the air.

y/n stared at her window reminiscing the event last night, there she pictured in her mind. Itto, her, and his gang laughing and joking around the bonfire, just like what they did last night..

y/n got back to her senses.

"i better get going. don't want Yoimiya to wait around for me.."

she got up from the chair and walked over to the bathroom to get prepared for the day.

as always, a few minutes later she came out of the room fully dressed. y/n took her bag and her hood, she puts on the hood and covers herself, well not entirely but just enough for avoiding people to recognize her.

she stepped out of her apartment and locks the door, y/n walks her way through the streets dazzlingly. 

✧˚ · .

she arrived at Yoimiya's house. 

*knock knock-!*

y/n knocks at the front door, no response yet. she knocks again. still no response, so she decided to sit down near the house porch waiting for Yoimiya.


a few minutes later, the door slides opens. y/n turns her head over

"ah! y/n, i'm sorry i didn't answer the door. i was in the bathroom!"

Yoimiya walks over and sits down beside her

"Yoimiya! here, i brought the crystal chunks, will these be enough?" y/n pulls out the crystal chunks from her bag and hands it over Yoimiya.

Yoimiya gasped and her mouth wide open, hands on her cheek "HAAH! Y/N THIS IS TOO MUCH- ahem-"

y/n laughs gently, "ahhaha, i didn't know how much you needed so i just took it all, you can keep the rest"

Yoimiya smiled at her in awe, "alright! let me see a reference of your vision"

y/n slowly takes out her dendro vision from her bag and hands it over, Yoimiya puts her hand on her chin looking at the vision, studying the shape of the vision and taking a better grip onto it

"well since your vision is based on another nation's frame, do you want me to keep it that way or do you want me to make the fake vision in an Inazuma nation frame?" Yoimiya asked

"hmm... just keep it with the Liyue nation frame"

"alright! i'll get started now! the vision prop will be done for about at least a week" Yoimiya got up on her feet and walked in her house. they waved at each other and left.

✧˚ · .

with both hands on her back, y/n walks over the streets in the city and looked around for something to buy, she lightly kicked some tiny pebbles along the way

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with both hands on her back, y/n walks over the streets in the city and looked around for something to buy, she lightly kicked some tiny pebbles along the way. her mind was all mixed up with her thoughts, she was stressed out. she furrowed her eyebrows and bites the inside of her cheek..

as she walks by, something in the corner caught her eye. her eyes widen and she stopped for a minute to turn her head over to the direction of it. her eyes sparkles, her mouth wide open as she saw it.

..she saw a shop filled with art supplies and it was very pretty and mesmerizing it caught her attention, and made all her thoughts go away like a cloud on a sunny day. she stood there for a minute, and thought to herself.

"hey, it's actually been awhile since i practiced art.."

y/n smiled and decided to stop by. she runs over to the shop. as she arrived there, she quickly turned her head over here and there. she plastered a big smile on her face and continued to check out the art supplies there.

*ring ring!* a sound of a bell rings as someone slowly opens the shop's door.

"hello ma'am! interested in anything?" a young man lightly bows and asked her in a very polite way.

y/n was too focused on the beautiful organized art supplies that she didn't even realize the man standing in front of her. she felt a presence and so she turned her head, she startled and jumped a little.


the man was surprised by her reaction, "o-oh i'm sorry ma'am, did i scare you??" he apologized

"no no- it's just the way you organized these art supplies caught my eye and i was zoning out, haha" y/n giggles

the man was flattered, "why thank you ma'am..!"

"can you show me the best high quality canvas you have in here?" she asked.

"yes ma'am! over here"

the young man leads her the way into the shop, y/n followed behind him. she was so amazed, the shop was so neat, clean, and it was also very beautiful. the decorations was aesthetically displayed around the shop.

the aroma was also very refreshing.. the scent of a freshly cool, feminine, bold gardenia flower struck y/n's senses and made her woah. 

"here is our best canvas! the fabric of the wool is highly reliable and very suitable" he said.

y/n puts her hand on her chin and she had to think for a while, "hmm.. alright! i'll take it, oh! and could you put that on the counter? i still have other supplies to browse here"

the young man nodded and sits down by the counter table, he placed down the canvas and gazed through the window looking outside. on the other hand, y/n is checking out the art supplies in the shop 

after a few minutes later y/n comes back to the table counter with a bunch of supplies in her arms such as, paintbrushes, sketchbook, pencils, paints, etc.

"here! i'd like to purchase all of these" she said as she drops the supplies carefully.

✧˚ · .

y/n walks out from the shop with a basket filled with art supplies and a big cheeky smile

"come get your tasty rice cake soup!!" a local street food vendor owner shouts to attract customers in the streets.

this reminded y/n about Su Er'niang. a street food vendor in Liyue, that sells chop suey. she giggles to herself under her breath and walks over to the street food shop.

"one bowl of the rice cake soup please" y/n asked.

"coming right up!"

she gently sat down on a stool and placed her basket beside her on the table, she brushed off the unseen dust on her shoulder. y/n leaned on the table with her arm on her chin, tilting her head to her left she saw a familiar white haired man. she looked upwards and noticed the red horns.


The oni's head perked up and he turned his head to his right, "hm? oh y/n! it's nice sweeing you hwere! mhh" he said with his mouthful of food

Itto chews down on his food and quickly swallowed it, "what're you doing here?" he asked

"oh i just went to buy a bunch art supplies, and decided to stop here for breakfast"

Itto raised one of his eyebrow in confusion while looking around y/n's surroundings, "what art supplies..??"

y/n spun over to her right, "here! i bought a bunch of-"

her eyes widened as she saw the empty table beside her


✎. . . .

A/N: hey so maybe you noticed a few things that changed here, and yup! i'm tryna change my writing style so it could be more neat and nice to read :D

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