ch. 8

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TW: death, needle, sharp object!! please leave if you are uncomfortable with it. i repeat once again, please leave if you are uncomfortable and sensitive to such topics.


"...what do you mean by that." her voice trembled.

vex laughed with a hint of sarcasm.

"oh? ahhaha. Y/N Alistair.. you're quite different from the others aren't you? you're so oblivious. you're a cute one.."


Flashback. 17 years ago

in a small village inside the forest. the dark blue sky, the moon's ray slips it's way between the forest's trees, the scattered stars across the sky.

there stood a woman with her arms crossed, head tilted down. and in front of her was another woman, on her knees begging to the superior woman with sorrow. she kneeled down begging and kept on begging. the superior woman could only watch as if she doesn't care about it at all. she clicked her tongue, plastering a disgusted look on her face. 

"listen here. if you cant pay your debt, then don't even sign a contract you can't promise."

"b-but i promise i will pay it next week!"


the superior woman slammed a contract paper onto the other woman's face. the other woman could only look at the paper with tears along her cheeks

little vex heard the commotion and the crying noise so she got up from her bed and decided to check outside. she walked out and opened the door, but once she saw the superior woman she flinches and quickly hides herself behind the wall, she peeked out to listen to the conversation. "...mommy?" she asked herself under her breath

not long after two guards with metallic armor took away vex's mother in a hurry. vex hurriedly runs out of the small house and chased after them barefoot.


the sound of a little 7 year old vex cries and whines to a tall woman.. on the ground, vex jumped over to hug the woman's leg. with teary blurry eyes, a tint of red shade across her nose and cheek. she begged the woman to let go of her mother. tears falling down all over vex's cheek as she cried even louder, "YOUR HIGHNESS PLEASE..!" she wails

the woman known as Mrs. Alistair.. she is a well known queen in the land of Sumeru. she wears a royal attire, a queen's cape, black heels, elegant long green hair, and a stunning golden-yellow-like-sunset crown on her head. everyone praises her


Mrs. Alistair shakes her leg off and kicked away the little girl, and she fell tumbling down to the ground, "tch. get off me you dirty child." the woman scoffed in a harshly rude tone. 

two guards with metallic armor held vex's mother hostage as they kept walking down by the village path. the mother figure could only smile at her little daughter vex with a forced but genuine smile.

"don't worry dear, mommy will come back tomorrow"

she said, as she planted a soft goodnight kiss at the little girl's head. vex could only cry and beg, there's nothing else she could do at the time.

"guards. take her away." Mrs. Alistair said with a straight face.

"yes ma'am!"

 the guards took vex's mother away in a wooden golden paint carriage. they left her.

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