ch. 10

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y/n 'walks' over by the city streets, with the help of the oni beside her, it was a lovely sunny morning. the cherry blossom blooms, as the petals dazzlingly fall onto the ground. the young lady hops her way with one leg, while holding onto Itto's arm to support herself.

"you sure you don't want me to carry you? walking like that seems uncomfortable" Itto asked her with concern. y/n shakes her head denying his offer, she kept jumping on one leg to prevent hurting the injured sprained leg.

as she stomped her feet to the hard stone ground, she tripped on her hood and lost balance. she fell to the ground.


"OW OW OW!!!" y/n yelled in pain as she hits her head right onto the ground, this caught almost everyone's attention in the street. she slowly got up and sat down for a bit. rubbing her scratched forehead, y/n winced. "GAH! Y/N YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!!" Itto gasped at the sight and tried to help her out. he tucks out her hood to check, and cupped her cheeks. "your forehead!"

Itto panicked while y/n stayed calm. she wipes off the trailing blood with her thumb and sniffled. y/n covered her nose-to-mouth with both her hand and does her healing magic again. the area around her nose was covered with light-green dendro smoke, followed by some sparkles. she stopped bleeding, reaching out for a band aid in her waist bag, she plastered it onto her forehead. "all good!" she said with a thumbs up and a grin.

"hey that's cool! haha, you healed it like it was nothing!!" Itto compliments her healing skill, y/n lets out a small chuckle. "i am a professional healer from Liyue after all" she quietly said.

she got back up, patted her dress and tugged her hood back in. then, she continued hopping on one foot holding onto Itto. he couldn't bare to see it, "well this is gonna take a while..." he groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "tsk." Itto quickly bent down and swiftly picks her up, carrying her in his arms like a bride. y/n was utterly dumbfounded by what he just did

Itto narrowed his eyes looking directly down at her, "this way it will be easier! ok now where to go?" he asked. she just stares at him blankly, still processing what he just did.

"hello?? earth to y/n!!"

Itto brought her closer towards him to get her attention. she blinks rapidly and felt her cheeks heat up, "O-OH YEAH. ahem! bring me to that restaurant you rob last week, i wanna have a little talk with the owner." she demands

"WHAT- HOLD ON WHY?!!" the oni freaked out and accidentally dropped the young lady from his arms, she fell to the ground. again. "ooghf..!" she rubs her head holding back the swollen pain. "ah sorry" Itto scratches the back of his neck.

y/n got up on her feet, stands up tall and firm. she crossed her arms "whatever. i'll go by myself. i don't need your he- WOAH!" her ankle couldn't hold herself and she fell again.. "just let me pick you up, it'll be easier!" he bites the inside of his cheek and pouts.

she tilted her head up and looked at Itto with his silly pouting face, his cheeks were puffed and his fangs slightly sticking out. she couldn't help but giggle at his somewhat adorable face, "haha! alright alright, i'll let you pick me up but don't let go of me this time!"

the oni placed his arms around her shoulder, but y/n pushed him away. "huh?"

"bend down for me will you?" she asked

Itto bent down just like she said, then y/n went behind him and takes a step on a nearby stool. she got up on his back and wrapped her arm around his neck, with her leg around his waist. Itto noticed what she was doing, and he played along. "piggyback rides are way more fun" she hums. the oni nodded and started walking to Uyuu Restaurant, with the young lady on his back.

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