ch. 15

546 10 4

TW! : Spoilers for the Inazuma Archon quest.


The next morning, after (Y/n) got out of bed, she began to roam around the house. "Hm.. so he left." She muttered. Ruffling her messy hair and rubbing her half-opened eyes, she saw a small note on the table in the living room. So she picked it up. "Mhh..? What's this?"


Hey, thanks for the food- errrr.. i forgot what the name was, but it was delicious! when i went in your room you were already asleep so i didn't wanna bother. Anyways, thanks again!

-from yours truly
The one and Oni. Arataki Numero Uno Itto ;)


"Oh it's a note from Itto.. Alright then." Nodding her head, she slipped the small paper in her pocket and walked outside.

It was still around 7am in the morning but the sky was already dark. It looks like it's about to rain, but the sky was purple. "What the-" (Y/n) quickly puts on her sandals, fixed up her hair and runs out to the city path.

Near the statue of 'Statue of the Omnipresent God'  just right in front of the Tenshukaku, stood a small crowd of people. Scratching her head in confusion (Y/n) walked up to the crowd to see what was going on.

"Hey isn't that the Kamisato's housekeeper?"
"He's tied up"
"Wow look it's the Almighty Shogun..!" 

Commotion and whispers around was muffled but loud. Squeezing to get an eye on what's happening (Y/n) got pushed here and there. "..Hey excuse me- What on Teyvat is going on right now?" She asked a random stranger between the crowd

"Oh you don't know? This is the official 100th vision ceremony.." A lady with pink short hair answered her. 

There stood the Almighty Raiden Shogun, Inazuma's electro archon. And a few feet away in front of her was Thoma, kneeling with his head down. Thoma was held captive, with his wrist tied up to his back and two guard was beside him.

The Shogun was delivering some sort of speech, while using her power to take away Thoma's vision. Her eyes glowed purple, Thoma's vision flew into her hand.. well- almost. That was until the traveler got into the action. "Lumine?!"  (Y/n) panicked and asked herself.

Lumine snapped into the field and took Thoma's pyro vision before it could even reach the Shogun. Alas.. The Shogun is very angry for this. So she took out a sword from her chest and slashed it against Lumine. Suddenly both of them got teleported to a place called the 'Plane of Euthymia' ... And so the battle between the traveler and the electro archon begins


Many people in the crowd was panicking, some was curious, and some was excited. After a while the fight ended, and of course.. the Shogun wins, the traveler didn't have a chance against the Shogun. Lumine, Thoma, and Paimon ran away from the sight. Some guards chased them down but they lost track of the three criminals..

So the ceremony was canceled, and everyone got back to what they were doing earlier. (Y/n) stood there with mixed up feelings. "Well that's one way to start a morning.." She shrugged.

Walking back home, she kicked some tiny pebbles on the street with both hands in her hood's pocket. She felt mixed feelings after what just happened.. The thundering dark misty sky started to slowly fade away, and brought back the sunny morning weather. "I'm gonna go get something to eat." She said with a growling stomach


Sliding open the door (Y/n) went inside her house. She took off her hood and hung it on the wall, keeping her eyes on the ground, she slowly makes her way to the sofa in the living room.

*THUD!*  she plumped herself on the sofa letting out a big huff. But then she felt.. odd... "Hm? Why is my sofa kinda weird."

She turns around to check, but then she saw the annoying friend of hers.. 

"ITTO?!!"  She yelled. It wasn't the sofa that gave her a odd feeling. Turns out she was sitting on Arataki Itto's lap. So then she quickly got up. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE??!!"

A tall green haired woman, with purple eyes and a mask to cover her mouth ran towards (Y/n)'s house and quickly slide the door open in a mass hurry. "BOSS! THERE YOU ARE-"

All three figure stood in a sudden silence. 

"..Who are you?" (Y/n) asked.


"Ah! pardon me.. My name is Kuki Shinobu. Deputy leader of the Arataki Gang."

"Nice to meet you Shinobu, my name is (Y/n) (L/n).. You can call me (Y/n)."

"Nice to meet you too madam (Y/n)...
Well our boss here- his name is Arataki Itto.
He got into a major trouble with the Tenyrou commission. so he ran away from his house. He said he wanted to stay at a friend's house but he didn't tell me who, so i chased after him to prevent any more troubles.."

Itto relaxed his back to the couch once more and placed his hand at the back of his head. 

"Kuki i told you i'm gonna be fineeee, i'm sure (Y/n) doesn't mind with me staying at her house for a couple of days, until you solve my problem with the Tenyrou commission" He chuckled.

Shinobu furrowed her eyebrows, annoyed by her boss' behavior. "YOU KNOW BOSS. IF ONLY YOU DIDN'T ACT SO CHILDISH. I WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS ALL THE TIME!" She yelled in anger, raising her finger to point at him.

"Hey- Don't shout at me like that, i am the boss here." Itto responded so carelessly..


(Y/n) could only watch them argue for a bit, until she took a step in and cut their conversation.

"Calm down- calm downn.. Look Shinobu, how about i take care of him for a while until you solve whatever problem he's in. And Itto. You should be more respectful to Shinobu for the hard work she's done for you to get out of trouble." She scolded Itto like a mother figure.

Shinobu felt a bit guilty and asked. "A-are you sure..? Any trouble Itto gets in, i should be the one to deal with it. I don't wanna include another person into this, It will be far more worth the trouble.."

"Look. You just go home, relax for a bit while solving his problem. I will have no trouble taking care of this big baby.. Alright! Off you go then!!" (Y/n) gently pushed Shinobu out the door

"And don't forget to take some breaks too alright? Now take care" She said with a smile, patting Shinobu's back.So then Shinobu waved her goodbye and running off the street.


Walking back inside the house, she closed the door and crossed her arms. Glaring at the careless Oni, she lightly kicked him on the foot. 

"Ow!! Hey! What was that for?!" He grunts

"Instead of laying down in my sofa, how about you go unpack your stuff and clean the house for me."

"Psh. Whatever" Itto murmured under his breath and started to take his belongings to tidy up.

✎. . . .


character leak!!


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