>new job<

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"Everything you do""I'm obsessed with you"

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"Everything you do"
"I'm obsessed with you"

A week had gone by since I started working at Freddy's, I had been hired with my official title being a waiter for the pizza part of the building, but I pretty much just helped whoever needed it. Sometimes Henry needed help with paperwork, sometimes Wen needed help dealing with bratty kids or Karen parents, and sometimes William... well, William didn't usually need help, but Henry made me help him fix the arcade game I glitched out.

"Okay but William's kinda hot" I told Wen during our lunch break.

"No way, are you simping for him?! Ethan he's like ancient! An old man!" Wednesday spoke, not agreeing with my choice in men.

"He's 29 actually. Henry told me when he properly introduced us."

"Well he's literally not even attractive, I don't know what you see in him."

"Okay first off he is attractive, you're literally a lesbian Wen. And either way, I dunno how to explain it. I just feel like there's something intriguing about him, his aura is really weird, for some reason I kinda connect to it though... maybe I'm just sleep deprived."

"Yeah," Wen laughed, getting up, "well I should get back to working."

"Hey Ethan, could you help William move some of the animatronics around and clean in the back room, we've been getting some complaints about the smell of the animatronics, and William said he'd "rather clean that room than deal with children puking" so..." Henry asked me just after my break ended.

"Yeah, no problem... though am I allowed in the back room? Usually you guys tell us it's dangerous, and I don't exactly have a key to that room..." I replied.

"Yes, the spring lock suits are a bit dangerous, William is really the only one who goes back there, so be careful around those, but as long as you're careful you should be okay."


I walked towards the back room, knocking on the door. William opened it, letting me in the usually forbidden room. Henry wasn't kidding about the smell.

"Jeez, it smells like something died in here, is there a rat infestation?" I commented, putting my shirt over my nose.

"I don't believe so" William responded, rolling up the sleeves of his uniform, getting ready to move the old animatronics.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked.

"Grab some cleaning supplies from the supplies closet down the hall, I can move these old things myself."


Walking out of the crusty room, I went to the closet full of cleaning supplies, grabbing a mop, broom, two buckets, a few cloths and sponges, cleaning sprays, and some gloves.

It was a challenge, but I managed to balance all the cleaning supplies, bringing it all in one go.

I heard a scratching sound of metal against the floor as I entered the dim room, I assumed William was dragging the old animatronics across the floor.

A shiver went down my spine as I put the tower of cleaning stuff onto the dirty floor. Something about the room felt off. I shrugged it off, used to the random spells of uneasiness throughout my life.

"I swear if there's any spiders in here I'm gonna cry. I hate spiders" I complained, rolling up my sleeves and putting on some gloves.

"There's a lot more than spiders in here, love."

"Yeah, but spiders are way worse though. They're so creepy."

William chuckled and walked towards the pile of cleaning things. As I filled up the bucket with water from the old sink, I couldn't help but notice the stains and weird ooze that trailed from the animatronics.

"Jeez, is this mold gunk?" I mumbled, giving into curiosity and poking it with my gloved finger. It was some kind of gross brown-ish red liquid.

"Hey Afton, did this used to be a bathroom? Cause it's literally like covered in shit."

William laughed before shaking his head no.

"How long's it been since you cleaned back here?" I asked. My constant questions probably reminded him of how a dumb kid asks too many questions at once.

"I usually do a little cleaning in here every so often. Whenever I feel it needs cleaning."

"Well, it's crusty as hell right now, probably good it's getting cleaned."

"A good clean in this room would do good."

When the big bucket was finally filled fully, I poured in some soapy stuff, mixing it in with the stick end of the mop.

"You do know the other end goes in the water, right?" William teased.

"Whatever asscrack" I joked.

"I wouldn't go calling me names like that, love."

"Sorry mr grumpy crumpets. Did you not get your tea this morning?" I teased, dipping the mop into the soapy water.

"I'm giving you one more chance."

"Fine. Sorry. I don't really wanna be fired today anyways. I'm saving up for a cute purple butterfly knife I saw, so I kinda need a pay check... also rent is a thing- ugh, this shit is fucking staining the floor."

I put the mop down and grabbed a sponge instead.

"What the fuck is this stuff anyways?" I mumbled to myself, following the trail to the animatronic again. Completely forgetting the safety warnings and such, I poked at the old animatronic.

"Ew, why's it gooey?" I asked, giggling as I kept poking it, "What kinda shit do you put in here? Maybe this is where the stink is coming from... hey Afton I'm gonna open the animatronic to see if I can clean it, there's some mold or something-"

Before I could finish my sentence, William interrupted me, "No, you might be harmed, you don't know how to work the-"



The animatronic opened up.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now