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The movie had just ended, leaving the house quiet.

"Am I sleeping in your bed tonight? I'm totally fine with sleeping on the couch if you need" I asked William as we got off the couch.

"You can sleep with me, love... we can do more than sleep if you're comfortable..." William spoke, smirking as my face went a deep shade of red.

"W-Wouldn't we wake Michael?"

"Not if you're quiet."

William grabbed my wrist, leading me to his room, shutting and locking the door behind him. I sat on the neat bed, William knelt in front of me.

"May I?" He asked, cupping my cheeks, looking up from below. I nodded, letting him press kisses down my neck.

"W-William" I moaned quietly as he left marks on my neck.

"You're such a good boy for me."

William pushed me back onto the bed, moving to straddle my lap. My desire grew and grew as William took an excruciatingly long time to unbutton his shirt, teasing me with every little movement. I bit my lip as I looked him up and down, noticing the prominent bulge in his pants.

"Be patient, love."

William connected our lips again, grinding his lower half into me. He slipped in some tongue when I moaned from the friction. He made everything feel good and we hadn't even gotten to the main course yet.

"William~" His name slipped out of my mouth so easily, flowing out as if it belonged to me.

"I love you so much, darling" William spoke into my lips, the lust and neediness grew with each kiss. Both so touch starved, it felt like I was melting from the pleasure as he kissed me passionately.

I felt William's hand slowly trail down my body, the sensation making me moan into the kiss. His hand stopped on my lower stomach, just at the band of my pants, fiddling with the seam.

"Please.." I mumbled into him. I felt William's cold hand push past my pants, reaching to my lower regions. He couldn't help but grind himself against my body as he steadily rubbed pleasure into me.

Everything felt so good, it felt so right, but I was so needy, so touch starved, I needed more... so much more.

"William, I need to feel you deep inside of me. Please, please touch me more" I begged desperately. William smiled, looking down from above me, pushing my messy hair up from my face.

"You're such a good boy, you deserve it."

William got up, lowering his eyes and eventually bringing his attention to my lower half. He dragged my pants down slowly, then doing the same with my underwear, keeping eye contact the whole time.

He closed in on my lower parts, bringing his mouth to give it a light kiss, slowly tracing it with his finger.

"You turn me on so much, love, I can't get enough of you" William praised me, his voice low, pressing warm kisses to my thighs.

I felt his hand lightly trace the heart on my thigh before he stood up and slowly undid his belt. The sound of the buckle being undone only made my desire grow.

"W-William... Hurry up..." I mumbled, unable to wait.

"Be patient, love."

After tossing his pants somewhere in the room, William grabbed a condom from the bedside table, opening the package with his teeth.

"As much as I'd love to cream inside of you right now, I think I'll save that for a later date" He told me, his voice low, slipping on the contraceptive with ease.

William pressed a kiss to my cheek before positioning himself at my entrance.

As he pressed himself into me, I couldn't help but let out a quiet moan.

"Shh, you have to stay quiet, love. Wouldn't want to wake anyone up, now would we?" William smirked as he pressed himself into me fully. He had to be at least 7 inches, he filled me up well.

He moved so he could kiss me, then started thrusting in and out at a slow pace.

"You feel so good, love. You take me so well" William praised, kissing my neck. He lifted up my leg to get deeper as his speed increased, reaching his hand down to pleasure me further. His rough calloused fingers rubbed circles against my clit as sounds of skin against skin filled the room, causing me to whimper from beneath him. The bed creaked, the frame hitting the wall in a continuous rhythm.

"Fuck, William, faster please!" I moaned loudly, unable to keep quiet.

William's breath quickened as he slammed himself into me roughly, his hands traveled across my body, as if memorizing every inch of it.

As he continued at his pace, William kissed down my neck, sucking on my sweet spot. I tugged his hair, pulling him up to kiss me. I swirled my tongue with his, connecting us further and moaned into his mouth.

"Fuck" William cursed, thrusting faster, I could tell he was getting close and I was too.

"Ah~ right there!" I moaned uncontrollably as William repeatedly hit my sweet spot, "f-fuck!"

"Take me, sweetheart, you feel amazing~"

"I'm gonna-"

"Tell me, love."

"I'm gonna cum. Don't stop~."

"Good boy."

A warm feeling of pleasure spilled throughout my body as I came on William, I felt myself tighten around him as I moaned his name into his lips.

William's thrusts started to get sloppy, signalling that he was about to finish. His dick twitched inside of me as he creamed into the condom, moans filling the room.

"I love you" William mumbled, kissing my cheek lovingly.

"I love you too" I smiled.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now