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"I wouldn't hesitate""To smile while you suffocate and die"

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"I wouldn't hesitate"
"To smile while you suffocate and die"

Wendy's POV

"Ethan!" I shouted as his head hit the table. Freaking out, I poked him a few times... nothing.

"William! Help me out here, Ethan just passed out!" I shouted, catching the British fucker's attention. William stood there, sipping his tea. Of fucking course.

Before I could scold William for doing nothing, Ethan got up from the table, his eyes still purple.

"Ethan... you good?" I asked, getting really weird vibes from him for some reason. I know his like aura or whatever had been off since he moved here, but this was just a really bad gut feeling.

Ethan grabbed a knife from his pocket and lunged at William, stabbing the knife into his shoulder. William shoved him off easily, shoving him to the floor, holding a knife of his own to Ethan's neck.

"Stop! What the fuck Ethan!? Also William calm your tits!" I jumped out of my seat and rushed over to the two on the floor. Blood dripped down William's shoulder and onto Ethan as the two struggled against each other's grips.

"Ethan what the fuck has gotten into you?! Stop it!" I shouted, trying to grab the knife from his hand. I screamed as the knife plunged into my arm.

"Don't say a word about this to Henry. There's a first-aid kit in the cabinet there" William spoke, finally getting enough force to fling Ethan's knife out of his hand. I nodded in response and grabbed the first-aid kit from the room, before cleaning the fresh cut and wrapping it in bandages. When I looked back, William had Ethan tied down to a chair.

What the fuck just happened?

Ethan's POV

It was still silent. It seemed like Bella was focused on something else.

"Bella. Have you been talking to me? Like, before now?" I asked.

"Of course, idiot. It's practically my job to mess with you" Bella scoffed, immediately going back to whatever she had been focused on.

"So why... why did you make me do it? All the killing... it's horrible..."

"Ah, you finally figured it out, huh? Of course I made you do it to make you go through the guilt all over, again and again..." Bella's voice trailed off, turning into a laugh. "I fucking hate you, Ethan. I wanted to take the things closest to you, because you took everything from me. But of course... I can't kill that damn rat, Afton."

"Afton? William Afton?"

"You really are stupid... of course it's him. He was the worker that night, idiot. Why do you think I made him kill all those kids? That damn pizzeria is his everything, and a couple dead kids would definitely get rid of it... or at least I thought. He's too damn good at hiding it. But soon enough..."

"Why..? Those kids... their parents..."

"What do you think happened to me?! You never think of me you ignorant-"

"Bella... I miss you so much... and I can never apologize enough, but please. Please for the kids sakes... for your sake... please just rest."

Bella's focus stopped, her spirit flickered for a second.

"No. Shut up. You're lying... you're fucking lying!!"

"Mom she... well you must know... she couldn't handle it without you... and dad, he got worse when you weren't there, and I gained a bunch of shitty habits to try and cope... we all care about you so much, Bella."

"That's not true! I would be alive if I... if you..."

I walked up to Bella, and wrapped my arms around her small frame. I couldn't feel her physically, but I know she could. Tears of light and static dripped down her face and onto my shirt as she clung onto me.

"I'm so sorry Bella..."

"I"m sorry too..." She spoke, her voice cracking a little.

Her form dissolved into nothing, and the darkness surrounding me lit up.

"I missed you, Ethan."

"I missed you too, Bella."

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now