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"I want someone""With secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows"

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"I want someone"
"With secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows"

You would think a cliché such as soulmates would be a cute story. Something such as love brings two people together, they found the one they truly love, and live happily ever after. Well that might be for some people; however, when the two people happen to be fucking loosing their minds, things play out a little different.

Something brought us together, but it wasn't something as cliché as soulmates.

"Are you... okay?" Wen asked me. It was the day after I had stayed the night at William's house.

"Yeah... why do you ask?" I mumbled.

"Cause your eyes are fucking purple!"

"Yeah right, why were you actually asking? Do I really look that tired?"

"No your eyes are literally glowing purple! What kind of contacts did William give you?"

"What the fuck?" I checked in my phone's reflection and saw that my eyes were in fact glowing purple. "William didn't do anythin- ow!" My head pounded and my surroundings went dark.


"What the fuck happened..." I groaned, opening my eyes.

"Hehehe, hi Ethan!" A voice spoke from behind me. Turning my head I saw a faint figure of a girl.

"Am I dead?" I questioned.

"No, silly." The girl spoke, but her mouth didn't move.

"Are you dead?"

"Correct! I'm the reason everything has happened!"

"The fuck do you mean? Don't tell me you're some deity I don't know about."

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me, big brother."

A sick feeling went to my stomach as the figure got closer.

"B-Bella?" I mumbled.

"Yup. Remember the trip we went on and I never came back? The one where you killed me?"

Guilt and shame filled my body as my surroundings changed, I was reliving the repressed memory.

It had been my 18th birthday, and my mum had surprised me with a trip to where my best friend lived, Hurricane Utah. Yeah, who would want to go there? Well, I wanted to visit my best friend.

"Come on Bella, it's just Halloween themed, it's for kids, it can't be that bad" I told my younger sister as we entered the decorated pizzeria. We had all dressed up for Halloween, Wen was dressed up as Princess Peach from her favourite game, my sister had dressed up as a pirate, and I had dressed up as a murderer from a psychological horror I had read.

"Ethan, she is a kid" Wen joked.

"Fine we'll go as a group then, it's not gonna be as fun though, especially with miss giant pink dress" I teased Wen, poking her fluffed up dress.

"Hey, I think my costume is super cute."

"Yeah but it's not scary."

"I'll just go by myself then if you're so persistent on it."

"Thanks bestie."

"No problem."

Wen entered the building, as we were next in line, leaving my sister and I to wait. A few minutes later and we were told to enter.

"Ethan, I don't really wanna go anymore, take me back to your friend's house" Bella complained, clinging onto my shirt. She was fourteen, but had a major fear of animatronics, and since she didn't quite have a phone yet and it was midnight, she wasn't allowed to walk home by herself, but I didn't wanna take her back to Wen's house.

"No, Wen's house is kinda far, I'm not waiting in this line again. It'll be fine."

We walked into the building, seeing the creepy decor. The decorations weren't that creepy, it was easy to tell that they were fake.

As we walked further through the building, Bella got more comfortable. She was no longer gripping onto me like her life depended on it.

"See, it's not that bad" I told her.

"Yeah! I'm a big girl! I'm not scared of anything!" She joked as we walked further in the building.

"Ethan, let's go this way!" Bella spoke, dragging me towards what looked like the kitchen. Even the kitchen was decorated for the occasion, knives were scattered, covered in very obviously ketchup, and the ovens had plastic limbs in them.

"Look! There's some pizza left over!" Bella spoke, pointing at the pizza box on the counter. I went quiet, getting ready to scare her.

"Ethan? Ethan where did you go?!" Bella yelled, trying to find me as I hid behind a drawer I had pulled out from the counter.

I reached out and grabbed Bella's leg to scare her, inconveniently when a worker jumped out and yelled, "BOO!"

Bella screamed, attempting to jump back but because of my grip on her leg, she fell back into the drawer... it was a built in pizza cutter... blades pushed through Bella's body, splattering blood everywhere. I stood there, frozen, unable to process what was happening. The worker in front of me tried to get Bella off of the pizza cutter but it was too late.

Her screams filled our ears.

She was only 14.

It took 14 seconds.

14 slices.

14 stabs.

The worker and I mindlessly hid her body in the dumpster out back. It was good my parents hadn't come on the trip with us, they would've been more suspicious.

I told them she had run away... mom believed it, as it wasn't the first time she had run away...

My surroundings changed again, the faint memory slipping away.

"Neither you or that stupid worker deserve to live... but I can't kill you... and it seems that you've found each other again" Bella told me.

"Bella... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I mumbled.

"Sorry isn't enough. I need revenge. I need to make you hurt."

"Just kill me then, please. I'm so sorry, I never meant for that to happen."

"Killing you would end your suffering, and I want you to suffer until you inevitably ROT in the DEEPEST PITS OF HELL!!"

I stayed silent after that. I wasn't sure what to say.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now