>fucked up<

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"Love me love me love me""Love me more"

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"Love me love me love me"
"Love me more"

"Sorry..." I mumbled as William drove me, "You barely had any time to finish your drink..."

"I can't drink and drive, love. Besides, I'm sure your friend will like to have the house to herself and the waitress" William spoke.

"Wait, we're not going to my house? But I wanted to play Mario kart!"

"You want to play video games? A few minutes ago you said you wanted me to shove you against a wall."

I pouted, looking out the window, my brain too fuzzy to come up with a response. My mind couldn't help but linger on William's words as I stared at the passing lights.

"Mm horny..." I mumbled, a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Love, you're drunk."

"I want you..."

William sighed, trying to focus on the road.

A few minutes later we arrived at the Afton household. There were no lights on so I assumed his kid wasn't awake.

William helped me inside and showed me to his room, allowing me to lie on his bed. He handed me a large glass of water and pulled the blankets over me. I chugged the water, placing the cup on the table beside me, before feeling sleep takeover.


I woke up to the bed shifting. Opening my eyes I remembered where I was, and noticed William getting into bed wearing nothing but shorts. I felt myself blush as I admired his figure.

"Ow..." I groaned, my head pounding.

"Already hungover?" William asked, smirking.

"I guess so... um, sorry about what I said earlier. It probably made you uncomfortable..." I sat up, grabbing the water beside me and taking a sip, placing it back on the coaster.

"Don't worry, love. It was just hard to hold back."

(Slight NSFW Warning)

"H-Hold back?"

"You told me things, darling... you said how much you want me..." William sat on my lap, grabbing my wrists and pinning them to the bed frame.

"F-uck..." I stuttered, feeling William's words go straight down to my lower half.

"Wendy said that you thought I was straight, are you really that much of a dumb brat?"

"Hnng, William..." I moaned as William ground down onto me.

"You know how hard it's been to keep my hands off of you? When you were dripping in blood, you looked so good, love."


"Use your words, love. Please what?"

"Please kiss me... touch me..."

"Good boy."

William smirked, moving us closer, his lips barely an inch away. He closed the gap and pressed his lips into mine.

I couldn't help but moan into the kiss as he continued to grind himself into me. William bit my lip, adding some tongue into the kiss. Something felt so right about the moment, it felt as if time itself had stopped. It was just us. It felt good.

I heard the desk beside the bed open as we made out, and felt something cold drag from my neck to my lower stomach.

"Is that a knife..?" I mumbled into the kiss.

"Mhm" William pulled back, admiring my face with a smirk, "May I do something with it, love?"

"Please..." It was like an itch, it needed to be scratched, I needed the extra stimulation.

"Safe word's Bonnie, I trust you'll use it when you feel necessary, right darling?"

I nodded my head as William pressed his lips back into mine. I moaned when the knife came in contact, carving a heart into my thigh, warm blood dripped down my upper leg and on my shorts.

William pulled away to admire his work, licking his lips.

"You're so special, you're perfect, love. Nothing else can do this to me, nobody, nothing," William praised me, leaning down to the cut, licking the blood, "you're so good for me, Ethan." William moved up to my neck, peppering kisses down it, making sure to leave a few marks.

"It's fake" my thoughts clouded my mind.

"He's just toying with you"


William stopped immediately, sitting up.

"I'm sorry... I want it, I want you... but my mind isn't in the right place right now" I felt tears start to spill down my face as I spoke.

"It's okay, love. I'm not going to do anything to you" William pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back.

"This isn't like you, don't play with my heart, William. You murder kids and shit, you don't have a fucking heart! If you wanna kill me then just do it already!" William tensed up, pulling away from the hug.

"Your fate has been sealed. Congrats, idiot, you're gonna die now"

"I don't understand myself. I know I'm not mentally stable, I know I'm fucking insane, but  it's something about you, love." William sighed before continuing, "I don't get it. Whenever I'm around you, I feel alive again. Things feel right. The voices are still there, telling me to kill you, but I feel as if they are easier to ignore." I couldn't help but cry harder as William pulled me in for another hug.

It's fucked up, but I'm in love with a killer.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now