>unable to apologize<

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"And they were both found dead""She must have been out of her head"

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"And they were both found dead"
"She must have been out of her head"

"William, I can't! Why would you want your own wife dead!?" I panicked as William drove me to his house.

"Why? I'm sure you know. Things like love and hate are strong, I'm sure you know that" William stated calmly as he drove. The traffic lights and headlights from oncoming cars illuminated his face.

"No, I don't know! I'm not like you, I'm not a crazy murderer."

"Then why did you come with me?"

"I didn't think you were serious, I guess... either way I just can't, it's a terrible thing to even imagine!"

"Is that so? Does that make us terrible people?"

"I don't get what you're saying... I'm not like you William."

"Even people with good intentions are bad sometimes. I know you understand. I know what happened, they told me."

My mind started to spiral into a darkened state, I felt everything swirl down deeper and deeper into the panic of darkness.

"I never did anything! Nothing happened William! The voices are lying, they're always lying!"

"Is that what you told him? Is that what you tell yourself?"

He was right.


"You just need to get your goddamn life together! You're an adult for fuck sake!" My dad shouted at me.

"You think I don't know that?! I'm trying my best but it's hard when I wasn't supposed to be alive this long!" I yelled back, my head pounding.

"Bullshit, you're just lazy!"

"Really?! That's what you think?! You know what? You can shove your words up your ass cuz you're full of shit!"

"You've been a mistake your whole life. Get the fuck out."

"So you're just gonna leave me for dead? This is why mom fucking killed herself!"


That's it.

That's all it took.

He had never done anything nice to me or even showed a sign that he didn't hate me. He hated me since the day I learned to speak. I was just an accessory for him, and I was done with his shit.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now