>something's rotten<

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"Smells like something I've forgotten""Curled up, died, and now it's rotten"

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"Smells like something I've forgotten"
"Curled up, died, and now it's rotten"

I felt the blood drain from my face as I recognized the thing inside the animatronic. It was a corpse, a dead child to be exact.

"Well shit. I found the source of the stink" I spoke quietly, face pale, I nearly gagged at the smell. Poor kid's corpse had been sitting there a while. Not that the kid could complain... can't complain when you're dead.

I heard the door shut and lock from behind me.

"Crumpet man?" I asked the seemingly empty room, not being able to see all that well.

"Now's not the time to be making jokes Ethan, you know my dirty little secret" William spoke from behind me, as he held a knife to my neck.

"Bro, you did this? Why the fuck would you kill a kid?! Are you... doing okay bestie? Do you need to see a doctor or some shit cause this ain't normal."

"You didn't piece it together?"

"What?" I paused, trying to figure out what he meant before it clicked, "oooohhhh, you're confused cause I'm a fucking dumbass. Yeah, I second guess myself a lot, so honestly if you hadn't admitted you did it then I would've thought there was just some fucked up manufacturer making these for Freddy's."

William didn't even speak. He was fed up with my stupidity.

"Yeah so that's fucking nasty, Afton. Killing is a big no no, especially kids! Like, the fuck did the kid do to you?! Anyways, you need help, you have some serious issues."

"He's gonna kill you, get him before he gets you" a thought popped up in my head, speaking in my messy brain.

"Shut up, you're just paranoid" another responded.

"He's got a knife to your neck, he's gonna do it and get away with it too."

"William wouldn't do a thing like that... not willingly."

"Stop making puns" a new one interrupted.

"Kill or be killed."

A sharp pain on my neck pulled me back to reality. William had pushed the knife into my neck, causing a small bit of blood to drip down.

"You really think a dumb knife is gonna do anything?" I muttered carelessly.

"Why not ask the child in front of you how it went for them?"

"Hey kid, was it painful?" I spoke to piss of Afton, mentally noting to come back later to apologize to whatever spirit was haunting this place.

William bit his lip in frustration, pushing the knife further into me.

"This isn't gonna work. If you kill me then people will find out, unlike children, kill an adult and more people notice cause of a chain reaction. Bills stop being paid, work changes, phones have location for example..."

"I wasn't going to kill you, love. You simply know too much, so a little motivation to stay quiet wouldn't hurt... well it won't hurt me."

The knife was dragged down my neck, cutting my shirt open and leaving a trail of blood. I couldn't help but let out a small sound from the pain.

"You look good in red" William said with his signature smirk.

"Haha funny" I stated sarcastically, rolling my eyes at the dumb joke... not that my jokes were any better.

"I don't know whether I wanna kill you or call the cops" I mumbled, making eye contact with William.

"How romantic."

"Kill him."


"He's the same as HIM."

"Sh-Shut up, what's the worst that'll happen if I die?" I mumbled in attempt to shut up my thoughts.


"My thoughts probably."

"You're no better than me, love. Don't try to fight them, it's exhausting."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I have them too, though I think they're a little different."

"I swear I'm fucking loosing it..." I mumbled.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now