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"I'm glued to the thoughts in my mind""They pester, they go walk in the sky"

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"I'm glued to the thoughts in my mind"
"They pester, they go walk in the sky"

The place wasn't too busy when we arrived, there was a table open when we walked in so we didn't have to sit on the small stools.

"I've never actually drank at a bar or anything, last time I drank was in highschool when I stole some of my parents' booze" I told William and Wen as we sat down at the table. I sat across from William.

"Hi I'm Lav, I'll be your server for today, what can I get for you?" The server asked, standing in front of our table. Wen made eye contact with the waitress for a little too long.

"I'll have a lesbian lemonade with two shots of vodka?" Wen asked, still giving the waitress heart eyes.

"I'll have the bi blend with two shots of vodka" I spoke, loving the names of the drinks on the menu.

"I'll have a demi twist" William said.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks. By the way, I love your outfit" the waitress nodded to Wendy causing her to blush.

"I'm so glad I wore a cute outfit... that waitress was hot..." Wen told us, trying to cool down her face. Wen had worn all pink, her skirt was a cute pastel pink colour that matched her platform heels and fishnets. She also wore a pastel pink crop top that said had a cat in the colours of the lesbian flag, and a pink bow in her hair. Even her makeup was pink. It was a cute outfit.

I, on the other hand, hadn't been so convinced to come dressed up

William wasn't dressed up quite as much as Wen, which I expected. He was wearing a purple button up and a black tie with dress pants. It was practically his work outfit.

"Yeah, makes William look so boring" I teased."

"I don't own clothes like that, I don't have the need for it" William responded.

"I think you should get some, it'd look good on you. You'd look like a dilf" I joked... well, I wasn't really joking...

"Doesn't he literally have a kid? He's already got dilf status then, right?"


"Enjoy your drinks" the waitress told us, handing us our drinks.

"Gays- sorry, guys, holy fuck, I got her number!" Wen freaked out, showing us a piece of paper that had been slipped beside her drink.

"Hey, maybe you won't have to complain about being single then-"

"Oh shut up Ethan, it's not like your with anyone either."

"Well at least I don't complain about it."

About an hour and 5 drinks later and I was kinda drunk... Wen was having a field day being horny-drunk, flirting with the waiter, William for the most part seemed sober.

"Get a rooooom Wen!" I complained, taking another sip of my drink.

"Says you! You're always talking about how hot William is at work" Wen shot back.

"Weeeeeeeen! That's not... Jussst shut up."

"You have thing for me?" William teased.

"Wennnnnn~, he wasn't supposed to know anything! Next thing you know you're gonna tell him that I want him to pin me to the wall!" I groaned, not realizing William wasn't super fucking drunk like me.

"Oh? Is that so?" William chuckled, taking my drink away from me.

"Fuck!" I yelled, making grabby hands for my drink, "Give me my drink William~! I'm not even drunk!"

"This is your 5th drink, sweetheart."

"That's only fiiiive."

"You've been asking for two shots of vodka in each, that's ten shots."

"Oh well, what's the worst that can- oh god... I'll be right back..." I got up and stumbled to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before vomiting.

"Fuuuuuck" I groaned, continuing to puke.

"It's time for you to go home, love" I heard William say from behind me. I felt his hand rub my back as he crouched next to me.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now