>nothing changes<

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"Make me feel like I am breathing""Feel like I am human"

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"Make me feel like I am breathing"
"Feel like I am human"

"I'm back" I spoke, emotionless, as I walked into the Afton household. I had changed clothes before leaving, so I didn't need to worry about William's kid seeing the blood.

William pulled me into a hug, holding me against him as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. He held my head against his chest, calming me with his heartbeat.

"I don't know why I went through with this... why did I do it?" I cried, my voice muffled. "I don't know who I am anymore... why..?"

"I don't know..." William mumbled, rubbing my back.

"They're so loud... I can't think..."

"It's cause they want more. Why do you think I've given in so much?"

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize."


Things went back to normal the next day. William kept his end of the deal and paid the rest of Wen's medical bills, and we continued to work at Freddy's.

A couple months passed since that night, the children's voices only got worse, but I took William's advice and ignored it to the best of my ability.

"Hey Ethan, I was thinking that since William paid for the rest of the medical bills, and since I can walk properly now, we could all go out to the local bar thingy" Wen told me as we are our complimentary pizza for lunch.

"I don't wanna get hit on by random guys who think I'm a girl again though..." I mumbled, shoving more pizza in my mouth.

"That's why I've decided that we're going to a gay club" Wen smiled, proud of her plan.

"Wen, I'm not sure if William would be comfortable going there... Maybe we should just go..."

"Does that man look straight to you? He literally flirts with you daily, idiot."

"No he doesn't!"

"Well speak of the devil, there he is."

William walked into the staff room, opening the mini fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Hey William, wanna come to the gay bar with us after work? Drinks are on us" Wen asked.

"I don't see why not" William responded, taking a sip of his water.

"Cool, see you after work then!"

"I didn't expect that..." I mumbled, questioning if William had heard Wendy right.

"I did, he's a little fruity boy."

"Fruit loops"

"Fruit gushers"

"Fruit smoothie"

"Fruit salad"


"Your break ended 5 minutes ago, love" William told us, leaning his head into the room from the hallway.


Everything was so normal...

It's almost as if I hadn't.....

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now