>something i don't understand<

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"It feels like flying""But maybe we're dying"

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"It feels like flying"
"But maybe we're dying"

My eyes opened once again, revealing the staff room of the pizzeria. I tried to wipe the tears that dripped down my face, but my arms were tied up.

"What... what happened?" I mumbled, looking around. William was bandaging up his shoulder, Wen had a bandage on her arm.

"Are you two okay?! What happened?" I asked, concerned for their well-being.

"Ethan, you tried to kill us! How can you say that?!" Wen freaked out, an uneasy look on her face. Her hand was shaking.

"I need to explain... I think I know what happened..." I mumbled, taking a deep breath to try and ready myself for the explanation.

After explaining, I felt tears fall down my face once again. Wen could only stare, unsure whether to believe me or not, William sighed, understanding every word.

"So she's gone now? It would explain why I can't hear the voice anymore" William spoke, untying me from the chair.

"Yes, she was just really confused and angry... I wish I could've said a proper goodbye..."

I stood up from the chair and pulled William and Wen into a hug, making sure to avoid their injuries.

"I'm so sorry..."


After work, Wen went straight home, she wanted some time by herself to process everything. I was about to head to some bar to chill while Wen has alone time, but William had other plans.

"Is it really fine? I literally stabbed you today and you still wanna spend time with me?" I questioned as William drove us to his house.

"You didn't stab me, love. She took her anger out on me through you" William responded, pulling up in his driveway.


We entered his house and I saw his son, Michael, sitting at the table doing homework.

"What's the spa person doing here?" Michael asked causing both William and I to freeze.

"I-I um-" I stuttered, unable to think of anything quick enough.

"He's had a rough day and is having dinner with us. Think of him as a good friend of mine" William told his son. I silently thanked him for covering for me and followed him into the kitchen.

"I'm making steak and salad, does that seem alright, love?" William asked, grabbing the necessary items out of the fridge.

"Yeah, anything sounds great" I responded.

"Love? Dad's gay?" I heard Michael mumble from the table. I snorted at the comment causing William to roll his eyes.

Once the steak was cooking, William turned on some music and held out his hand.

"Care to dance, love?" He asked, I reluctantly took his hand.

"I don't really know how to..." I mumbled.

"I'll teach you" William smiled a genuine smile and brought me closer to him.

"You're so gorgeous" He spoke as we danced to the music.

" 'Friends' my ass, get a room!" Micheal shouted, gagging.

I smiled, seeing that things were somewhat okay. It was nice for a change.

"Language, Michael. And yes, we will be sharing my room."

"Ew! I did NOT need to know that!"

William chuckled, bringing his attention back to me, kissing my cheek.


After dinner, Michael finished his homework and headed to bed as he had school the next day, leaving William and I by ourselves.

"Wanna watch a movie, love?" William asked, wiping the water off his hands as he had just finished washing the dishes.

"Sure, what movie?" I asked as we walked to the living room.

"Your pick."

"Do you have Netflix?"


"Can we watch a studio ghibli movie?"

"Of course, dear."

I couldn't help but focus on William as the movie played, observing his face, carving every little detail into my brain.

"Am I really that interesting to look at?" William asked, making eye contact with me.


William brought my face closer to his, smiling before softly pressing his lips against mine.

"I love you, Ethan" William spoke, kissing me again.

"I love you too, William."

I leaned my head on him as we watched the movie.

The way we met was unnerving, and the way we stayed close was concerning, but we were connected, like some fucked up kind of soulmates. It's something I don't understand, but love all the same.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now